
List of ADM Features

Did you Know What else ADM can do?

Check out these other great features ADM has to offer!

Advertising from your Kiosk

With the use of Home Commercials, you can change the background image on a kiosk to advertise products. See the following article for more details!

E-Gift Cards

This feature will allow Operators to create a Gift Card record within ADM, and then share that with end consumers. Once a consumer has a Gift Card in their possession, they can use it to make one-time purchases at a device, or they can fund an existing GMA account.


GMA Payroll Deduct

Want to allow your customers to use Payroll Deduct as a payment option? ADM allows you to setup payroll deduct as a payment option in your markets. See article to learn more!

  • GMA Payroll Deduct Contact your sales rep if this is a feature you are interested in having in your market.


Consumer Feedback Messaging

Want to know what your customers are thinking? Use consumer feedback messaging to create a question your customers can respond to after they have completed a transaction from the kiosk. See the following article for more information!

GMA Loyalty Rewards

Want to offer your customers the ability to earn reward points for their transactions? Use the built-in loyalty program for GMA, this is off by default but can be enabled upon request. The reward program is also a great way to promote products by making certain products worth more points. See the following article for more details!

Static orders for pick lists

Need to always bring a specific quantity of product to the market during a restock regardless of the current on-hand quantity? Make use of static orders which allows you to state exactly how much of any particular product you want to have shown on the pick list when ran. See the following article for more details!


Pick product by cases

Need a pick list to show how many cases to pick instead of individual items? ADM allows you to pick by cases by stating how many products are in a case. ADM will do the calculations for you and let you know when your market is ready for another case of product. See more info in the following article.


GMA Subsidies

Customers with GMA accounts can have a separate balance apart from their standard GMA balance for subsidies. These can be setup on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly occurrence and can be setup for topping off accounts (spend it or lose it) or rollover.


Device Summary Page

The device summary page is where you can go to manage each devices own settings.

Some of the settings that are included:

  • Scheduling device reboots
  • Ability to disable payment methods (GMA, Credit Cards)
  • Set authorization amounts for PicoCoolers
  • Adjust receipt prompt screen timeout
  • Ability to turn webcam on or off
  • Plus much more!

  • Device Summary Page