
365Dining - OrderAhead Operator Guide


The 365Dining OrderAhead feature provides an opportunity for consumers to place orders with the operator's café remotely utilizing a touchless system that allows consumers to order their food without requiring a face-to-face interaction.  This can be done via the 365Pay mobile app365Pay site, or the device itself. The system is ideal for situations where staff may not have access to their smartphones or a browser in order to use our OrderAhead app.

This guide will provide you with details on how to modify your kitchen operations to accommodate scheduled orders sent to the kitchen remotely with OrderAhead.


Request This Feature

This feature is not turned on by default. Please contact 365Support via live chat, at (888) 365-6282 or to have this feature enabled.


Required Devices and Components

OrderAhead functionality requires the following devices:

For information on the OrderAhead feature for the MM6 device, please see the MM6 Spec Sheets and Hardware Information or the MM6 Setup and Installation Guide.


Enabling OrderAhead 

  1. Login to ADM.

  2. Select the Menu tab from ADM's main menu.

  3. Select Self-service from the list of options available.

    ADM - Menu - Self Service menu highlighted
  4. Once directed to the Self Services page, you will see a toggle button for OrderAhead on Kiosk (shown below). Select this toggle to enable it. You may select it again to disable it at any time. 

    MM6 - Self Service Menu - Order Ahead Kiosk setting

Customizing Your OrderAhead Settings

  1. Login to ADM.

  2. Verify you have the correct organization selected in the upper right corner. 

  3. From the Location tab, select the desired location.
  4. The Location Summary page will display. Select the Click here for location information and settings (+) button.

  5. Scroll down and locate the OrderAhead Settings button, located on the right side of the screen. The fields are defined below. 

    ADM - OrderAhead settings

Optional Settings

  • Pmt Req at Time of Order - allows the consumer to pay at the time the order is placed. This is on by default.

  • Show Dining Preferences - allows customers to choose between To-Go or Dine-In. If you set up To-go, you can define the locations where they pick up orders with the Define Pickup Locations setting.
    • Define Pickup Locations - allows customers to choose their desired pick-up location for their To-Go order. Pickup locations can be displayed as text (available for mobile and kiosk), or as text with images (kiosk only). Images must be .jpg or .png, less than 2mb, and should have a 2:1 ratio. 

  • Mask Name/ Anonymous Order - If Yes, the customer name will not be displayed on their order. Only the order number will be visible on the KDS and Now Serving screens. 

  • Send to Kitchen Prior to Pickup - determines the lead time for orders. For example, if this field was set to 15 minutes and the consumer selected a pick-up time of 12:30 pm, the order would display on the KDS for preparation at 12:15.

  • Online Order Pickup Instructions - If there are any special instructions or mentions the consumer should know when picking up an order, place the text in this field

  • Disclaimer Messaging - used for disclaimers such as allergen information, announcements, or promotions

  • Feedback Messaging - displays the Location's contact information

Customized Order Number Display Settings

In the Dining Order Number Display Settings, you can customize how many digits are in the order numbers for your location (2, 3, or 4). 

365Pay App - OrderAhead Receipt example - order number highlighted.jpg

  1. Login to ADM
  2. From the Location tab, select the desired location.
  3. The Location Summary page will display. Select the Click here for location information and settings ( + ) button.
  4. Adjust the setting for number of digits in the Dining Order Number as desired in the Dining Order Number Display Settings field. Please note that if your Kiosk is offline/Local mode, the order numbers will revert to standard order format and will not be able to provide the customized order number configurations.

    ADM - OrderAhead Dining Order Number Display Settings.png 

Things to note about customized order numbers: 

  • When the maximum number of orders has been reached, the numbers will start over from the beginning. For example, when the order numbers have a maximum of two digits, the next order number after 99 will be 01 again.
  • If the number of digits is changed, the next order number will start at the beginning of the list. For example, if the orders are increased from two digits to three digits during a busy lunch rush, even though the next order would have been 56 (a two-digit number), it will instead be 001 (a three-digit number).
  • If a user does not enter their name for the transaction, no initials will show in the order number, and the order number will be a string of digits only.
  • Order numbers cannot be searched in ADM. However, you will still be able to search by the transaction numbers. To learn more about transactions, please see the article ADM - Transaction Report.


Set Order Limits for Time Slots

You can also set order limits for particular time slots, meaning that once that number of people select that time slot for their order, the time slot will not be available to other customers. This helps prevent backups in the kitchen. 

Please note that the pickup location and pickup times change depending on not just datetime but also on inventory. Therefore, your OrderAhead kiosk must be online for your customers to use this feature, so that it can communicate with the rest of your system. 

  1. Login to ADM.

  2. Select the Menu option on the main menu, and choose Self Service from the drop-down options.

  3. Find the particular menu you would like to edit, and select Set Limits from the Order Limits column for that menu. 

    ADM - Order Limits - Set Limits
  4. You will then be taken to the Self Service Menu Order Limits screen for that menu, where you are able to make any adjustments required.

    ADM - Self Service Menu Order Limits example


Creating an OrderAhead Menu

Once the above steps are complete, please visit ADM Button Settings for All Menu Types to create your OrderAhead menu. 


Utilizing Lockers 

If lockers are enabled at your organization, you can use them as your pickup locations. You can learn more by reading Lockers – Operator Guide: Setup & Maintenance



Geolocation for OrderAhead allows for customers to find nearby locations. This feature is already enabled and set up by 365. If you would like to change your Geolocation settings, you may do so with the steps below. 

  1. Login to ADM.

  2. Select the desired location.

  3. Select the blue Click here for location information and settings (+) to expand the location info section.

  4. Verify the AddressZip/Postal CodeCityState/Province, and Country fields.

  5. Click the Generate button next to the Lat/Long field.

    365Dining Order Ahead Location Summary
  6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The consumer will now see the location listing. 


Product Management

For a product to be added to a menu, it must first be set up in the organization's Global Product database, as well as extended to the desired location(s). See the article ADM - Add, Edit, or Extend a Product for more information. 


Add Product Image

With OrderAhead, operators can add a product image to the product description on the 365Pay app. If no image is assigned to a product, only the product name with product details will display in the app.

For more information on adding images in OrderAhead, please see 365Dining - ReadyTouch POS - Add Product Images.


Tax Settings

If you are using OrderAhead in addition to other services, you have multiple types of taxes that must be applied to your products. See ADM - Tax Mapping and Creating Tax Rates to see how unique tax settings may apply to your needs. 



The upsell feature is available on the 365Pay app and RT devices. It can be applied in two ways: as a Transaction Level Upsell, or a Product Level Upsell. 

To learn more about the Upsell feature, please see the article 365Dining OrderAhead - Upsell Settings.


Menu Settings

This section will cover the OrderAhead-specific menu settings. For other menu settings, see ADM - Button Settings for All Menu Types

The mobile app and website will always use the Self-Service menu option. 

OrderAhead Menu with Featured Item.png


Hide Product on Zero Inventory

Request This Feature

This feature is not turned on by default. Please contact 365Support via live chat, at (888) 365-6282 or to have this feature enabled.

The Hide Product On Zero Inventory setting prevents a customer from ordering an out-of-stock item. It does this by making products invisible to the customer if their inventory is zero or below. Hide Product on Zero Inventory can also be applied to product modifiers.

Once enabled, all products are hidden by default when inventory reaches zero. The setting can be adjusted for each product at each location. If a product in a customer's cart has been sold out before they have had a chance to purchase it, an error message will display, saying "One or more of your cart items are sold out. Please remove them to checkout."

If this setting is not enabled for a product, customers can still view and purchase the item, even if it is sold out. 

To enable this setting: 

  1. Login to ADM. Verify your organization selection in the upper right corner.

  2. From the Location tab, select the desired location.

  3. The Location Summary page will display. Scroll to the bottom of the page, where you will see a series of tabs (these are below the Save and Sync buttons). Select the Products tab from these, as shown in the screenshot. 

    365Dining Order Ahead Products Tab
  4. In the Products tab within the Location Summary, locate the Hide Zero Inventory column. To adjust this setting, simply click into the field for the item and select Yes from the drop-down menu. If the setting has not been enabled by 365 yet, you will not be able to adjust this field.
    • If you are unable to see the column, it is likely hidden. Select Manage Columns to see the full list of columns available on the Column Chooser. The Hide Zero Inventory option is near the bottom of this list.

      ADM - Products Page - Hide Zero Inventory column highlighted
  5. When finished with your changes, select Save, then Update Prices & Full Sync.

    365Dining Order Ahead Column Chooser

Add New Products to Menu

For Dining/OrderAhead, there is no limit to how many buttons can be created. For all of our other devices, you can fit a total of 10 buttons on the kiosk screen (either Item buttons, Menu buttons, or a combination of both). You can also add a total of 12 individual items on each Menu button.


Self Service

This would be used in a 365Dining environment. Used to display menu/product buttons on a ReadyTouch device when it is in Self Service mode. This is also the service that controls the menus/products displayed on the 365Pay app/ for OrderAhead. All items within a Self Service menu for a location will default to showing on the OrderAhead menu for consumers unless you exclude the item from OrderAhead or hide the entire menu for OrderAhead.

In an environment where this is used, the consumer would place their order on either the ReadyTouch device on-site or, if using OrderAhead, on the 365Pay app/


"All" Menu Button

When creating menus, products typically are placed into various categories such as Sandwiches, Sides, Beverages. However, we offer the ability to display all menu items in one singular tab on the consumer end. The All menu button allows you to show all your menu items in one place on the mobile app or on If a customer taps on that button, they will then see all the items to choose from without having to go category by category.

  1. Login to ADM.

  2. Click the Menu tab, then click Self Service.

  3. Select the desired menu.

  4. Verify Show is selected for 'All' Menu Button. If Hide is selected, consumers will not see the All button in the app or on the website.

  5. If you would like to rename the button, hover the option on the menu page and click Edit. Rename the button and click Done.

  6. If you would like to change the order of the menu categories, you can simply drag and drop them into the desired order (see Editing Products in the Menu).

  7. If any changes were made, click Save. Then go to the Location Summary and run a full sync.


Excluding Specific Items From Your Menu

This feature will give you the ability to hide a particular product from the OrderAhead menu, Kiosk menu, or both. This means that the item would not be available for purchase on the mobile app/website or ReadyTouch device, depending on the selections made.

  1. Login to ADM.

  2. Click the Menu tab, then click Self Service.

  3. Select the desired menu.

  4. Click Expand All in the menu category of your choice. You will see Exclude from Menu with checkboxes next to Kiosk and OrderAhead. The item will be hidden from the menu depending on the selection made.

  5. If any changes are made, click Save. Then go to the Location Summary and run a full sync.



Show/Hide Entire Menu for OrderAhead

By default, Self Service menus are shown for OrderAhead (on the mobile app and website). This feature will give you the ability to hide an entire menu from the OrderAhead menu. This means that the menu would not display on the mobile app/website. The setting can be toggled on or off as needed.

  1. Login to ADM.

  2. Click the Menu tab, then click Self Service.

  3. Select the desired menu.

  4. Locate the Include in OrderAhead setting. If the white circle is closest to the Include in OrderAhead text, the menu is shown for OrderAhead. If the white circle is further from the Include in OrderAhead text, the menu is hidden for OrderAhead.

    ADM - Self Service Menu - Include in Order Ahead selected
  5. Click Save.


Schedule KDS Reboot

Standard maintenance of the KDS should involve periodic reboots, which can improve long term function of the device. Learn how to schedule these reboots via the 365 Dining - ADM - KDS Scheduled Reboot article. 


MM6 - OrderAhead Consumer Experience

When a user approaches the kiosk, they will scan in or enter their account credentials as normal. Next, they will see a screen with all location options listed. The Pickup locations may have images (such as in the first image below), or text only (see the second image). 

If your organization only has one location, this step will be skipped, and they will proceed to the next screen. 


Once they have selected the pickup location, they will then choose if they would like their order today or tomorrow, and will select the time slot for the order. The time slots are broken up into 15 minute increments, and the earliest time shown will be the next 15-minute window from the current time.  



After they select the time they would like, they then proceed to the menu to order as normal.


OrderAhead Menu with Featured Item.png

Once the customer has completed shopping, they will proceed to their cart to check out. The cart screen will show the summary of their items, as well as confirmation of the Pickup Time and Pickup Location for their order. 



They can then select an email, text, or printed receipt. All of these options will list the Pickup Time and Pickup Location for the order. 



MM6 is Offline

If the MM6 device is offline, the customer will order and checkout without the OrderAhead feature. A message will display, stating that the OrderAhead feature is unavailable at this time, and that they may try again later.


MM6 - OrderAhead not available message.png


Customer Experience Walkthrough

Please see the following walkthrough for an example of what your customers will see. You may also find this walkthrough at MM6 OrderAhead Walkthrough | 365 Retail Markets