
ADM - Transaction Report

Transaction Report

The Transaction Report provides key metrics on payment methods and gives in-depth details on transactions. It contains helpful comparisons for Prepaid and Credit purchases, such as the average amount of money spent on each type of transaction.

Credit Comparison is a unique metric that can help you decide if you should encourage customers to create an account or allow them to keep on using their credit cards.


Criteria Selection

  • Locations – Select the location(s) where you want to display data. You can use the green 'Select All' or 'Select None' links at the top of the list to quickly select or deselect all locations.

  • From/To – Select the start and end dates for your results to be filtered.


Report Results

  • Account – The location name that is associated with each MicroMarket.

  • Transactions # – The total number of transactions that have been made at each location during the selected time period.

  • Sales Units – The total number of individual line items that have been purchased during the selected time period.

  • Sales $ – The amount of total revenue that has been realized during the selected time period for each location.

  • Units per Transaction – The average number of individual products that are purchased on each transaction, calculated as Sales Units / Transactions #. When a customer checks out at the kiosk, they are most likely to be purchasing this number of products.

  • Sales per Transaction – The average dollar amount that is spent on a per-transaction basis, calculated as Sales $ / Transactions #. When a customer checks out at the kiosk, they are most likely to be spending this amount of money.

  • Sales per Unit – The average selling price of each unit that has been sold, calculated as Sales $ / Sales Units. In essence, this value is the average cost of every product in the market.

  • Prepaid Transactions – The total number of transactions that have been completed when a customer uses their account to check out. This value is a subset of Transactions #, so it will always be less than the total number of transactions in the market.

  • Prepaid Amount – The total revenue of all transactions that have been completed using an Account. This value is a subset of Sales $, so it will always be less than the total revenue in the market.

  • Prepaid % – A ratio comparing the revenue of account transactions to the total market revenue, calculated as Prepaid Amount / Sales $. A higher percentage indicates that the bulk of total revenues are generated from transactions using accounts.

  • Units per Transaction (Prepaid) – The average number of units sold on a transaction when an account is used to make a purchase. This field is calculated by dividing the total amount of prepaid units by the total number of prepaid transactions.

  • Sales per Transaction (Prepaid) – The average dollar amount spent per transaction when an account is used, calculated as Prepaid Amount / Prepaid Transactions.

  • Sales per Unit (Prepaid) – The average selling price of a unit when an account is used. This field is calculated by dividing the total prepaid amount by the total number of units sold through account transactions.

  • Credit Transactions – The number of transactions that have been completed when a credit card is used to make a purchase. This value is a subset of Transactions #, so it will always be less than the total number of transactions in the market.

  • Credit Amount – The total revenue of all transactions that have been completed through the use of a credit card. This value is a subset of Sales $, so it will always be less than the total revenue in the market.

  • Credit % – A ratio comparing the revenue of credit card transactions to the total market revenue, calculated as Credit Amount / Sales $. A higher percentage indicates that the bulk of total revenues are generated from transactions using credit cards.

  • Units per Transaction (Credit) – The average number of units sold on a transaction when a credit card is used to make a purchase. This field is calculated by dividing the total amount of units sold with credit card by the total number of credit transactions.

  • Sales per Transaction (Credit) – The average dollar amount spent per transaction with the Credit payment type method, calculated as Credit Amount / Credit Transactions.

  • Sales per Unit (Credit) – The average selling price of a unit when a credit card is used. This field is calculated by dividing the total credit amount by the total number of units sold through credit transactions.

  • Credit Comparison – Shows a comparison between the average sales per transaction when credit is used versus the average sales per transaction when an account is used.

For example: A value of 20% indicates that when a credit card is used to make a purchase, on average, the total amount spent is 20% greater than if that person were to make a purchase on an account. If the average sales amount is sufficient to cover credit card fees, it could be more profitable for the operator to allow customers to keep using their credit cards, rather than encouraging the use of market accounts.