
GMA Migration Instructions


The purpose of these instructions is to outline the steps required to enable a legacy (Valet) kiosk for GMA and migrate existing consumer accounts to GMA.


Valet to GMA Migration Process

Before the GMA Migration

What is GMA?

Global Market Account (GMA) is an account platform managed by 365 Retail Markets. With GMA, the consumer can maintain a single account allowing them to make purchases at all GMA-enabled devices across the entire 365 Ecosystem. The following 365 devices are already GMA enabled:

  • V5 Kiosk
  • Express Tablet
  • Mobile Beacon
  • AirVend
  • Ready Touch


Navigating the GMA Readiness Report

Login to SmartHQ and run the GMA Readiness Report for the location that will be migrated. The report is located under the Customer Service tab. If there are multi-kiosk linked (MKL) or multi-store linked (MSL) units at the location, all must be converted during the same GMA migration.

The GMA Readiness Report will display as an Excel document and will include the total number of accounts at the location. Accounts will be filtered into one of the following three categories:


Accounts Ready for GMA

  • No further action is required. These accounts will be migrated to GMA.
  • These accounts were used in the last 12 months or were created in the last six months.
  • A fingerprint and/or Scanner ID (key tag) is associated with each of these accounts.


Accounts Needing Attention

  • Action is required by the account holder to prevent a post-migration lockout.
  • These accounts were used in the last 12 months or were created in the last six months.
  • These accounts do not have an associated fingerprint or Scanner ID (key tag).
    - Account holders must add one of these two methods of identification.
  • See additional details in the section titled Communicating to Accounts Needing Attention further down in this article.


Accounts Excluded from GMA

  • These accounts will not be migrated to GMA.
  • These accounts were either:
    • Not used in the last 12 months.
    • Or, created more than six months ago and never used.
  • Contact your tax professional regarding the escheatment of these funds in accordance with state guidelines.
    • See additional details in section four titled Escheatment.


The report also generates a GMA Readiness Score which is calculated as (Ready)/ (Ready) + (Attention). A readiness score of at least 90% is the suggested pre-migration target.

Finally, the report generates a GMA Transfer Amount which is calculated as (Ready) + (Attention). Through the GMA platform, 365 becomes the bank. 365 holds all account funding and ensures that sales are attributed to the correct location. The GMA Transfer Amount is the total amount that will be transferred to 365. This amount will be withheld from the first GMA disbursement to the location.


Communicating to Accounts Needing Attention

Using the GMA Readiness Report, work with the client to contact consumers in the Accounts Needing Attention category. These consumers are currently typing their UniqueID and PIN for identification at checkout.

In GMA, the Unique ID field will be replaced by their email address. Because UniqueID is not a transferable method of identification, consumers must add either a thumbprint or a scanner ID (keytag) to their account.

You can use these two documents, which are attached at the bottom of this article, to communicate the necessary action. The first, GMA Conversion Notice - PPT Template, is an editable flyer that can be posted at the kiosk. The second, Eblast, is a sample of eblast text in a Word document that can be pasted into an email and sent to consumers in the Accounts Needing Attention category.

The GMA Readiness Report is a dynamic report, so the operator will be able to monitor progress toward the 90% readiness goal by re-running the report at regular intervals before the migration.

Note: At the time of the migration, any accounts remaining in the Accounts Needing Attention category will be migrated. However, these consumers will be locked out of their accounts after the migration. They will need to contact a representative at their branch to have their account credentials updated, and their account unlocked. See Appendix A for details.


The GMA Migration

Scheduling the GMA Migration

  1. Start by going into the GMA Readiness Report in SmartHQ.

  2. When the readiness score reaches 90% or higher, the operator should request a migration by clicking on the Request Migration button. mceclip0.png
    Note: Anything lower than 75% for the readiness score is not recommended to be migrated.

  3. Things to check before requesting the migration:
    If there is an issue in any of these three areas below, it can cause delays in the migration.
    • Confirm kiosks are online. (If the location is a part of an MSL Group, be sure that all kiosks in the MSL are online also.)
    • Be sure that all GMA ports are open on the host network. See Appendix B for details. When the request is submitted, an automated email will be generated to alert a 365 Fulfillment representative.
    • Must have a readiness score of 75% or higher.

  4. The 365 Fulfillment team will receive a migration request email as soon as the request migration button is clicked.
    Note: You will not receive a confirmation notification when clicking the Request GMA Migration button.

  5. A representative will review the migration request and send an email back out to the requester to schedule the migration.
    Note: Try to respond within 24 hours to avoid any delays in the migration.

  6. After a date of when the migration will take place has been determined, the Implementation team will confirm if the location has the GMA ports open and that the kiosk(s) on online.

  7. When Implementation confirms that the location can be migrated successfully, they will proceed with the migration at 4:55 am EST on the scheduled day. This will also include a software upgrade enabling the kiosk for GMA. Kiosk downtime will be approximately three to four minutes, or the time required for the kiosk to complete an auto-reboot.

  8. An email will be sent back to the operator stating the migration has been completed and noting if there were any issues with some accounts not migrating over and be contained in an Exception List.


The Final GMA Readiness Report

Just before the migration, the Accounting Manager should pull a final GMA Readiness Report. This will serve as a record of funds to be escheated. Please see additional details in the Escheatment section of this article. 


After the GMA Migration

The Consumer Experience

After the GMA migration, the change to the kiosk interface is not noticeable to the consumer who already identifies themselves using either a fingerprint or Scanner ID (key tag). The consumer will scan and pay just as they did before the migration. The only noticeable difference is in the account creation workflow for new accounts. A fingerprint or Scanner ID was an optional entry before but is now required.

After the GMA migration, consumers will be able to use the 365Pay mobile app to check out at the kiosk. Migrated consumers will be able to download the 365Pay app to their Smartphones and then link their existing account to the app. See Appendix C for detailed instructions.

Note: Consumers should not create 365Pay accounts before the GMA migration as this will result in duplicate accounts.

We recommend that the branch host a grand re-opening event after the GMA migration to alert consumers to the features of 365Pay and to help consumers through the process of linking their accounts to the app.


ADM Exclusive Reports

After the GMA Migration, branches will still have access to the existing suite of reporting tools available through SmartHQ. However, there are two GMA reports that are available through the ADM portal only.

  1. Account Adjustment Report – This report is a record of adjustments made to GMA consumer accounts.

  2. GMA Disbursement Report (EFT GMA Disbursement) – Because 365 is the bank for GMA, any adjustments made will be reflected in the weekly GMA Disbursement Report.

    For example, if a branch completes a payout and close of a GMA consumer account, 365 will make an adjustment to credit the branch for that payout in the next disbursement. Alternatively, if a branch adds a $2 credit to each account created at a grand opening, 365 will make an adjustment to withhold the total amount credited from the next disbursement



What is Escheatment?

Escheatment is the process of turning over unclaimed or abandoned property to a state authority. Individual states have different governing laws related to escheatment.

For amounts under $50, most states do not require any extensive due diligence period to find or contact the consumer. However, they do require that all relevant documentation and funding is transferred to the state.

When accounts are migrated from the Valet platform to the new GMA platform, the old inactive consumer balances are “left behind” on the old platform and will likely need to be escheated to the state. The state of escheatment is the state of residence of the consumer. However, the available consumer data on the Valet platform does not contain the consumer’s state of residence. Therefore, the branch must escheat these funds to their state of incorporation, which is Delaware.


Appendix A: Unlocking a Migrated GMA Account 

Consumer accounts are grouped into the statuses of Ready, Attention, and Excluded. All accounts that are a part of the Ready and Attention groups will be migrated to become GMA accounts. Accounts in the Ready group will be accessible immediately. Accounts in the Attention group will not be accessible without some manual intervention on SmartHQ.

If a consumer’s account was migrated to GMA and can no longer be accessed, follow these steps to update the account.

  1. In SmartHQ, go to the Global Market Accounts option under the Consumer Service tab:
    SmartHQ, - Global Market Accounts option under the Consumer Service tab

  2. On the Global Market Accounts screen, search for the consumer’s account and look at the applicable results:
    365 - SmartHQ GMA Accounts screen.png
  3. Select the consumer from the list, which will open their Account Management screen.

  4. In the Account Management screen, you can enter either the consumer’s Email address OR a barcoded Scanner ID (keytag). When the consumer goes to the kiosk, they can type in their email address or scan the barcoded card to access their account. After you have entered information for one of the options, select Save & Close. If a consumer has forgotten their PIN, you can also generate a temporary PIN from this screen.

365 - SmartHQ GMA Account Managment.png


Appendix B: 365 Kiosk Technical Network Requirements

This document explains the basic, high-level network requirements for installing a 365 Retail Markets Kiosk. Please contact 365 Support at 888-365-6282 or with any questions related to this document.

Network Requirements

All connections are initiated from the kiosk and the below FQDN, IP’s, and ports need to be open for outgoing bidirectional communication. Remote viewing of the DVR and cameras are the only exception to this rule (see below).



Destination FQDN/IP


SQL Server

Transfer of Sales Data/Client-Server Kiosk Setup***

TCP: 1920


Global Market Account

TCP: 80, 8040

Time Server

NIST Time Server,

UDP: 123

Windows Update

Windows Update Servers*







TCP: 80,443

Operator Websites

Operator using kiosk WiFi for inventory/sales onsite

TCP: 443


Remote Administration

* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TCP: 80, 443,

12975, 32976,



Payment Processor

See Credit Card Processors.



Certificate Authorities

*, *,

*, * – Verisign Net block

(Individual IP’s available upon request)

TCP: 443


(Optional based on service selected)

Temperature Sensor



TCP: 3000


(Optional based on service selected.)

Remote Viewing


Port forwarding is necessary for remote viewing of the DVR. This is an inbound connection mapped to the IP address of the kiosk. All communication is routed directly to the REVO camera system.

TCP: 8016, 8116, 8200, 10019, 12088

Outbound: 10088

Note: IP’s subject to change without notice.


Credit Card Processors

The following list provides all essential networking, port, and IP requirements for 365 Retail Markets most popular payment processors supported by Credit Line Manager.

** Only the IP’s and ports listed for your processor are required **


Destination FQDN / IP


Heartland Payment Systems (HPS)

(PCI 3.1 Compliant),,,,,,

TCP: 443

Fifth Third – 5/3

(PCI 3.1 Compliant),,

TCP: 443

First Data / Bank of America

(PCI 3.1 Compliant),,,,

TCP: 443

365 Secure
Cloud 9 Payment Gateway
Supporting: USAT

(PCI 3.1 Compliant)

TCP: 5568, 5556,

5557, 5558, 11911

*Windows Update – For security purposes, the IP address for the Windows Update website constantly changes and it is not a fixed address. There is no official publication of the IP addresses. We normally advise against defining IP addresses on the firewall for this purpose. Instead, we suggest either allowing all outbound connections to http and https ports or defining the DNS addresses as permitted destinations for traffic through the firewall.

**Optional Based on Services Selected – These services are necessary for the functionality of the kiosk and are optional to the operator. If the services are purchased and need to function correctly, the corresponding FDQN/IP’s and ports must be opened as described in the tables above.

***Transfer of Sales Data and Client-Server Kiosk Setup – Port 1920 is used for transferring sales data to our SQL production server every five minutes. SQL databases are located on the kiosk as well. When two kiosks are setup in one location, client-server is used. Use 1920 port forwarding from the client kiosk to the server kiosk that has the database. If a kiosk is ever without the internet, consumers will still able to use their accounts for purchasing items.


Appendix C: Linking Migrated GMA Accounts to 365Pay

After the GMA migration, consumers will have access to the 365Pay mobile app. It is extremely important that consumers link their current account to the app and do not create a new account. This action would result in the existence of two separate (duplicate) accounts that cannot be easily merged. For this reason, we recommend that 365Pay be introduced to a location only after a GMA migration has taken place.

When a consumer is ready to start using the mobile app, they will search for 365Pay in their respective app store. 365Pay is available on both the iOS and Android platforms. After the consumer has downloaded the app, they will be able to link their newly converted GMA account from the kiosk to the app. To complete this process, the consumer must perform the following steps.

    1. The Sign In screen of 365Pay has an option that says: “I have an account but need a password”. Consumers who want to link from their kiosk account should select this option.
      365 - 365PayApp Login Example.png
    2. On the Create Password screen, there are three paths (detailed below) that consumers can follow to start the linking process. They should select the most convenient or applicable option to complete the process.
      365 - 365Pay App Create password.png


Scan QR code from Kiosk

  1. A consumer logs into their account at the newly migrated kiosk.

  2. They select Scan QR code from Kiosk on 365Pay app.

  3. They scan the QR code shown on the Manage Account screen.

  4. They enter their email address on 365Pay, if an email is not already associated with the account.

  5. They create and confirm a password.

  6. They have the option to add a payment method and fund the account.



Scan 365Pay (Market) Card

  1. A consumer selects the 365Pay Card on the 365Pay app.

  2. They scan the barcoded 365Pay card associated with their account.

  3. They enter the account PIN.

  4. They enter their email address on 365Pay. An email may or may not be associated with the account.

  5. If not, they can create and confirm a password.

  6. They have the option to add a payment method and fund the account.



Manually enter Email & PIN used on kiosk

  1. A consumer selects Manually enter Email & PIN used on the kiosk on the 365Pay app.

  2. They enter their email address and PIN for the existing account. An email may or may not be associated with the account.

  3. If not, they can create and confirm a password.

  4. They have the option to add a payment method and fund account.



Appendix D: Using an Account in GMA

If a consumer was using:

  • A fingerprint – Their fingerprint will be brought over to GMA and they can continue to use it to make purchases at the kiosk.
  • A scanner ID (keytag) – Their scanner ID will be brought over to GMA and they can continue to use it to make purchases at the
  • A unique ID – Their unique ID will no longer be supported as an account identifier in They will need to add a fingerprint or Scanner ID to their account before the conversion takes place.
  • An email address – All email addresses will be brought into GMA; however, the consumer must verify their email before it is usable. Consumers will receive an email to their address on file and will have to validate the email. This will happen for all email addresses, regardless of how they were added to an account.
  • – Their email and password will be brought over to GMA. The email must still be verified before it is usable.

If a consumer wants to use the 365Pay Mobile app, and:

  • They are already using, they can use the same email and password to log in
  • They already have a GMA account at the kiosk, they can link their accounts by:
    • Scanning the QR code from the Manage Account screen on the kiosk with the app.
    • Scanning their Connect & Pay card with the app.
    • Entering their verified email and PIN into the app.
  • Does not have an account anywhere, they can create a new account on the app using their email address.

Retrieving Account at the Kiosk

After a GMA Migration has been completed, the Retrieve Account functionality can then be enabled on the Legacy kiosk. The feature will allow users who were in the Ready to Migrate or Needs Attention status to manually update their account at the kiosk if they can no longer access it.

Note: Accounts that were not migrated (Excluded Accounts) cannot be retrieved at the kiosk.

To use this feature, consumers will:

  1. Go to Manage Account on the kiosk.

  2. Select the Retrieve Account option. 

  3. Enter their Username and PIN

If entered successfully they will be able to associate either a fingerprint or barcoded scancard to their account. This feature enables consumers to update their accounts so they can continue to use them after a migration instead of the operator having to manually update the account on SmartHQ.

For a complete guide on this process, see the Legacy GMA Retrieve Account article.