
Stockwell Web App - Schema Setup


This article outlines how to use create and use your Stockwell 2.0’s Schema (Planogram) via the Stockwell Web App.  SW Web App access can be requested via a Stockwell Operations User Request, or during your Location Deployment Request.

The Stockwell website is used for creating the planogram/schema. Inventory management and product management will still be handled in ADM or within your VMS (VDI) if you are using an integration. For other steps in the setup process, please see the article Stockwell 2.0 Setup Guide.


Extending Items to Stockwell from ADM

The first step to get items added to the schema is to make sure items are extended to the location in ADM. You may view our Add, Edit, or Extend a Product article for more details on the process. Note that if you are using a VDI, you will need to extend items to the ADM location in those systems. 


When editing items in ADM, keep these things in mind:

  • When adding additional scancodes to a product in ADM, it is imperative that you do not delete (or edit) the first scancode that was added. Deleting or editing the first scan code can cause items to not charge tax or have incorrect prices.

  • Once items are extended to the location, from the Product tab press the orange "Send Catalog to Stockwell" button to update the products available.

    Stockwell_Send catalog.PNG

    • All products will update without our intervention when the device next syncs, but our team will be needed to properly get price changes to show in the Products section of the Pico menu.


Adding Products to your Stockwell 2.0 Schema

Adding products to the Stockwell 2.0 Schema can be done once the products have been added into ADM and extended to your location. You do not edit product information in the Stockwell website. All product management will occur in ADM or in any 3rd party software that you are already using for product management.

  1. Log into ADM

  2. Access the schema tool by selecting the location. Once in the Location Summary, scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the Pico (in the devices tab in the device name column shown below.) This will open the Device Summary. 
    ADM - Devices Tab - Pico Device name.PNG
  3. Click on the Stockwell Planogram button (on the right side of the page) to be taken to your location's Stockwell Schema.
    ADM - Device Summary - Stockwell Schema Button.PNG

  4. Once you are in the Stockwell Schema page, select Staging. You may select Clone Production Schema, or select a template you want to copy from in the drop-down box

  5. Search for products in the item bar, and then drag and drop them into the schema. These products are pulled in from ADM. 

    If you need multiple rows of the same product, select the product, then type the amount of rows needed in the Juxtapose field in the sidebar. 


  6. Once your Schema is complete, click Save and then Migrate to Production


Adding Images to your Products

Images will need to be linked to any new products the Stockwell website receives from ADM. Below are the steps on how to link images to a product.

  1. Click the 3 line icon in the top left on the Stockwell website

  2. Click Items. This is where all your items are stored. When a new item is added into ADM, it will automatically appear in the Stockwell Web App. Contact 365Support if you are not seeing your items at 855-841-9036 (available 8am-5pm EST, Mon-Fri), or email

  3. Click on an item to see more details

  4. Scroll down to where it says "images"

  5. Click on any image option, "small, medium, large" will work all the same.

  6. Upload the image you would like to use for that product - it can have a .jpeg or .png file format. 
    The item images and dimensions (including item and image rotation) can be altered in the setting of any individual item. However, images should be cropped to the item packaging prior to upload.
    Uploading the large image will autopopulate the medium and small images. The image dimensions in the schema will be changed based on item dimension settings of each individual item. Matching the item dimension settings to the product packaging dimensions and the cropped photo will result in an accurate image in the schema.

  7. Select Save in the upper right corner. 

Nothing else on this page will ever need to be adjusted - this section will just be used for the images.


Store Schema Template Tool

Every Stockwell 2.0 store will have a blank Schema template associated with a location's device. The template will have the same name as the location.

Templates are not required, but allow multiple locations to always have the same schema setup. Additionally, you can adjust those locations at the same time by adjusting the template. 


Creating a new Template 

  1. Click the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner, then click Store Schema Tool.

  2. In the upper right-hand corner, click + CREATE TEMPLATE.

  3. Enter the desired name for the template, and choose STOCKWELL 2.0 from the drop-down list


  5. Back on the Store Schema Tool, click on the store you want associated with the template

  6. Click on Staging, select the Template to be used, then select create 



Edit a Template

  1. Click on the 3 line icon in the upper left corner

  2. Click Store Schema Tool

  3. On the left are your locations and on the right are the templates. You will already have some templates for your locations built out for you to use and modify. Click on the template you want to edit on the right.

  4. From this screen you can click and drag products into different positions or search for additional product in the search bar to edit the template.

  5. Once you made your edits, click save in the upper right. This makes the change to the template, but does not yet apply the change to the locations that have the template associated to it.

  6. Then go back to the Store Schema Tool and click on each location that has that template that needs that change applied

  7. You will then click on the staging tab and then choose the template in the drop-down that you just adjusted.

  8. Save and migrate to production


Managing Schemas at a Single Location

A location that does not have a template linked to it can still be managed separately.

  1. On the Stockwell website, click on the 3 lines in the upper left corner

  2. Click on Store Schema Tool

  3. To make edits to the schema, click staging

  4. Then click clone schema to see the current schema

  5. Now you can make edits from here by moving products around or adding in new products.


Even if a location has a template associated to it, you can still edit that location separately by just clicking on the location name and doing what was listed in the above steps. This will not affect the actual template itself, but instead just edit the schema for that one location you are under.


Market Service Process

Servicing the Stockwell 2.0 requires unlocking the store via the Pico device, and is completed using the Restockwell app on the handhelds. 

For Stockwell 2.0 units, please see the Stockwell 2.0 - Market Service Process article. 

For Legacy Stockwell units, please see the Stockwell - Restockwell App Guide (Legacy Process) article.