
Avanti - Create Custom AMS Coupons

Generate Coupons in AMS


  1. See: How to Create Coupons in AMS

Using Customized Art for Your Coupons

The AMS coupons print separate from the coupon art, so you will need to print the coupons, then feed the coupon sheets back through your printer to print the art side. A Coupon Test Page is provided to help you figure out which way the sheet need to be flipped to make the coupons and the coupon art align properly.

There is also a blank Coupon Art Template if you'd like to create your own.


Customizing the Coupon Art

  1. Select a Coupon Art template word document and open it.
  2. Update the coupon amount. It is important to make sure the other elements stay within the coupon rectangle, and do not change the rectangle in size, or else they will not match up with the printed AMS Coupons.


Printing the Coupon Art Sheet

  1. Print out the Coupon Test Page, which will simulate the coupon sheets
  2. Feed the printed Coupon Test Page back into the printer and print out the Coupon Art page.

    Important: Remember which way you inserted the Coupon Art sheet, so if it doesn’t line up with the Coupons, you can adjust accordingly.

  3. Once you figure out which way the Coupons Sheets need to be fed through, place your AMS Coupon Sheet(s) into the printer the same way and print the Coupon Art onto the opposite side as the barcode.
  4. Cut coupons on the line and distribute.