
365Lockers – Hardware and Maintenance Guide


365Lockers can be pickup locations when using 365Dining's OrderAhead feature. These lockers offer additional security and control as compared to existing options. With the use of these devices, pickup locations do not have to be assigned to arbitrary locations, and can remain in a secure and sanitary environment. 

These devices work with the 365Pay App and allowing operators to offer multiple Pickup Locations to a consumer before they browse the menu and order. Each locker system includes one master locker and can have up to five additional satellite lockers.  



General Information 

Each locker system must have one and only one master control locker that can also function as a standalone locker. A locker system can have up to five additional satellite lockers connected to the master control locker for a maximum of six connected lockers.


Each individual locker in the system MUST have its own receptible (power outlet) that has been properly tested (see instructions below). Locker power cables typically run about seven feet long. Using extension cords is not recommended.

The master control locker MUST have an ethernet CAT 5 outlet that has been provisioned by the network administrator and is ready to be used (see instructions below).

Lockers must be placed on a level and flat surface to function.



Before Setup 

Receive Locker(s) and Inspect 

You are asked to inspect each of your lockers for any damage before signing the delivery receipt, as the factory will not accept responsibility for any hidden damage.
Image1.PNG Image1a.PNG

To inspect your locker(s):

  1. Examine the exterior packaging for visible signs of damage.

  2. Unwrap or request that the packaging be removed from all sides to confirm that there is not any hidden damage.

  3. If any damage is visible, do not sign for the locker. Call the freight company, and request an inspection before the driver leaves.

Note: Do not allow the truck driver to rush you through the inspection of your equipment. The factory will not accept responsibility for any hidden damage.

  1. If no visible damage is evident and you are satisfied with the condition of the locker, you can sign the delivery acceptance form with the carrier.


Record Model and Serial Number of Master & Satellite Locker(s)

The model and serial numbers are needed to get quick service and parts information for your locker(s). It is important that you record each of your locker(s) model number and serial number.

IMPORTANT: The serial number on the back plate of the locker itself is NOT the same as the controller serial number. The back plate serial number is for the locker cabinet.

To find the model and serial number:

  1. The numbers can be found on the identification plate located on the backside of the cabinet of the locker.


Remove Shipping Skids from Locker(s)

Your locker(s) are shipped on wood skids that will need to be removed using a hammer and a large screwdriver or pry bar.

To remove shipping skids:

  1. Insert the wedge of the pry bar or screwdriver in the slot of the wood skid to split the skids. Apply pressure to front and back (tapping with a hammer). Pry the wood skid apart.

    If your skids have a 2x4 across them, unscrew and remove them first.

  2. Repeat for each wood skid (both sides).

  3. The wood skids and steel shipping washers can then be discarded.


Setup Process


Confirm Power and Ethernet Connections

Your lockers each require a working power outlet and your master (host) locker also requires an ethernet connection to function.

To check power and ethernet connections:

  1. Locate the power outlet you will be plugging the locker into and confirm that the electrical supply has the correct polarity, presence of ground, and correct voltage

    IMPORTANT: If the receptacle is not properly grounded or polarized, contact a licensed electrician to correctly polarize and/or ground the receptacle to ensure safe operation.
    Voltage 115 VAC 230 VAC
    Cycle 60 Hz 50 Hz
    Amperage 2.5 A (Max) 1.25 A (Max)

    IMPORTANT: For proper operations of any equipment using electronically controlled components, the equipment should be placed on an isolated or dedicated noise-free circuit.

  2. Confirm that the ethernet Cat5 outlet the master (host) locker will be connected to has been provisioned by your network administrator and is accessible.

    Note: You will also need to get the appropriate length of Cat5 cable to reach the outlet as it is not provided.


Connect Power Cord and Ethernet Connections for Master Controller Locker

To connect the power cord and ethernet connections:

  1. Remove the power cord panel:
    1. Remove the two inboard Philips head screws on the back of the locker.
    2. Lift up the panel to remove it.

  2. Extend the power cord and confirm you have enough length to reach the power receptacle (the cord typically is about seven feet long). 

    Note: Verify that the power cord is connected securely inside this back panel.

  3. Connect your Cat5 ethernet cable (not provided) to the port on the end of the Cat5 cable found inside the recess in the back of the locker.
    IMPORTANT:  If you are connecting a satellite locker to your master (host) locker, you will need to connect the harness (umbilical cord) to the matching receptacles before replacing the power cord screen cover AND each satellite locker will require its own receptacle for power. See the section on Connecting Satellite Locker.

  4. When replacing the cover, run the umbilical cord(s) (if connected to satellite lockers) and the power cord exiting the top larger angled opening and the ethernet cord exiting the smaller lower opening. This will keep the cords secure if they get pulled while moving the machine.
  5. Position the locker in the place of operation on a flat smooth surface, in such a way that the power cord easily reaches the previously tested power outlet. Plug it in.

  6. The locker is equipped with a GFI (ground fault interrupter). Press the Reset button if the red light is not on. The display on the front of the control door should illuminate.

    Note: Give it a few minutes to cycle through miscellaneous screens until it lands on the locker main screen that you will be using (shown below).

    IMPORTANT: If you see this message, “Locker System Not Initialized” check that you have entered the serial number for the locker system correctly in ADM. If the serial number has been entered correctly and you are still receiving this error, contact 365 Support at (888) 365-6282.
  7. Confirm that the Cat5 ethernet cable reaches its wall outlet and plug it in.


Level the Locker(s)

To level the locker(s) for proper operation:

  1. Place a bubble level on the top of the locker. First, level the locker back to front. Use a 1 1/16” OR 1 3/8” (depending on your model) open-end wrench (adjustable wrench) to adjust the legs of the locker until the locker is level.

  2. Repeat for the other side (back to front).
  3. Place the level on the locker front and level the locker left to right. Use the same wrench and adjust the locker legs until the locker is level.
    IMPORTANT: Until you add your control serial number, your locker system will NOT function. See the following instructions to find and add your serial number to your locker system.


Confirm Master Locker URL Provisioning

To confirm that the locker is provisioned and pointed to the correct URL:

  1. Unlock and open the control panel cubby using the keys provided (taped to the control panel door). This will give you access to the Service Mode button located on the back of the control board.

  2. Press the Service Mode button on the lower, right of the control board. This will change from the Locker Dispensing Mode to Service Mode.

  3. Scroll until you see Connections on the display (see below).
  4. Tap the Connections option. The Network Connections screen will display.
  5. Tap the FlexConnect Settings option. The Password Entry screen will display.
  6. Enter 2314 from the display keypad on the Password Entry screen.

  7. Tap the green arrow icon. The Flexcon Settings screen will display.

    Note: This is the default password. If the password has been changed, enter that new password.

  8. Check URL 1 from the Flexcon Settings screen and update it if necessary.

  9. Tap the Save icon in the top, right corner. Your production URL should be



Verify Internet Connectivity

To check the IP address of the master locker controller to verify connectivity to internet:

  1. Unlock and open the control panel cubby using the keys provided (taped to the control panel door). This will give you access to the Service Mode button located on the back of the control board.

  2. Press the Service Mode button on the lower, right of the control board. This will change from Locker Dispensing Mode to Service Mode.

  3. Scroll until you see Options on the display.
  4. Tap Options. The Options screen will display.
  5. Tap the Show IP button at the bottom. An IP Address prompt will display on the Options screen showing the Controller IP address. If the IP address is showing, your controller is connected to the internet.
    IMPORTANT: If you see two IP addresses, follow the next set of instructions on Deactivating WiFi so your locker controller does not get confused about which connection to use.




Deactivating Wi-Fi (only if two IP addresses were found)

This is recommended if other networks are in the building that the locker may pick up by accident.

To deactivate the WIFI connection:

  1. Press Connections from the Main Service Mode list of options.
  2. Press Wifi Settings on the Network Connection screen.
  3. Enter Random SSID on the WiFi Settings screen.
  4. Tap the Save Icon on the top, right of the screen.




Pair ADM Locker System to Physical Master Locker Controller

IMPORTANT: Linking your master locker control serial number to the correct locker system for the location is imperative for your locker system to function. The serial number entered will be the link that allows communication between the physical locker system and the backend communication for the orders and cubbies management.

To find the master locker's serial number from the locker's control panel for pairing:

  1. Unlock and open the control panel cubby using the keys provided (taped to the control panel door). This will give you access to the Service Mode button located on the back of the control board.
  1. Press the Service Mode button on the lower, left of the control board. This will change from Locker Dispensing Mode to Service Mode.
  1. Scroll until you see the Help option at the bottom of the list.
  1. Tap the Help option. The Help screen will display.
  1. Tap About. The About screen will display showing the Serial Number and other details about your controller. Copy it down or take of it a picture for reference. This is the master locker control serial # for the locker system that you will enter into ADM in the Locker System screen. (See 365Lockers - ADM Settings)

To add the master locker's serial number to the locker system for pairing:


  1. Tap the Add Control Serial button from the Create a System or Edit System screen. The Add Control Serial Number prompt will display.
  2. Enter the control serial number and tap the Save button. Notice that the Add Control Serial Number button is now the Edit Control Serial button. You can edit if you have made an error. You will also see the serial number you entered as read-only to the left of the button for reference.

    Note: Saving from the prompt does not save the serial number to the locker system. It only adds the serial number to any other updates you have made on the screen. You must save the entire system to save the serial number to the locker system.

  3. Tap the Save button to save the locker system with the associated serial number. The Location Locker System dashboard screen will display. The locker system will be visible in the Location Locker System dashboard grid under the correct location.


Checking Locker Serial Number Video:


View and Test Cubby Scheduling Screen to Verify Pairing 

The Cubby Scheduling screen provides a virtual representation of all the cubbies included in the locker system and a method to view and manage each cubby status.


Cubby Scheduling Screen ADM to Physical Locker System Controller (NOT PAIRED)

The Cubby Scheduling screen will look similar to the one below if you have either not saved the controller serial number to the locker system in ADM OR if there was an issue with the serial number you entered.

You will see the message “- Please Enter Controller Serial Number to Connect Locker System to ADM-“ and the screen will be blank.



Cubby Scheduling Screen ADM to Physical Locker System Controller (PAIRED SUCCESSFULLY)

The Cubby Scheduling screen will look similar to the one below if you have successfully saved the controller serial number to the locker system in ADM and it has recognized the connection.

You will see each cubby by address and in the Available cubby status. 



Connecting Additional Locker Satellites

To connect a satellite locker to another locker:

  1. Unscrew the two inboard Phillips head screws on the back plate to expose the power cable and harnesses (umbilical cord) that you will use to connect to another satellite locker or master (host) locker.
  2. Lift up on the panel to remove it. Take note of the two types of connections behind the panel below, which are connection for master vs connection to additional satellite.
  3. Unlock and remove the thin middle cover on the front of the locker using the key found on the back of the locker cabinet.
    IMPORTANT:  Keys to satellite locker(s) are located on the back of the cabinet.  
  1. Flip the trigger inside the small hole with a small screwdriver to open the cubby door.
  2. Take out the locker service manual and connection harness for connecting the satellite locker to master (host) locker. They will be located behind the cubby door.

    Note: In some cases, the harness may already be connected to the master (host) locker. Check the connection panel on the back of the master (host) locker to find out.

    Take note of which side of the harness should be connected to the back of the satellite locker and which side of the harness should be connected to the master (host) locker (either directly OR to the master locker feed) (e.g., if connecting indirectly to the master locker through another satellite).
  3. Connect the harness to the satellite locker connection. Take the harness that you removed from the cubby in the previous step and start connecting it with the back of the satellite locker connection.
  4. Extend the power cord from behind the panel and confirm you have enough length to reach the power receptacle. DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD!

  5. Replace the cover. Make sure to run the harness and the power cord so they are exiting the angled openings. This will keep the cords secure if the cords get pulled while the machine is being moved.
  6. Connect the other end of the harness to the master (host) locker connection by taking the harness exiting the satellite locker and connecting it to the master (host) locker's umbilical cord.

    Note: To find the master (host) locker connection (umbilical cord), follow the instructions above under finding power cord and ethernet connections for the master control locker. The connection (umbilical cord) will be located under the back panel of the master (host) locker in the same location as the power and ethernet connections.

  7. Position the satellite locker in the place of operation on flat smooth surface in such a way that the power cord easily reaches the previously tested power outlet and plug it in.

  8. The locker is equipped with a GFI (ground fault interrupter). Press the Reset button if the red light is not on.


Perform Motor Count to Check Connectivity of Satellite Locker(s)

To determine if the satellite locker(s) and their associated cubbies with cubby motors are being recognized by the master controller and are free of any issues, you will need to perform a motor count:

  1. Unlock and open the control panel cubby using the keys provided (taped to the control panel door). This will give you access to the Service Mode button located on the back of the control board.
  1. Press the Service Mode button on the lower, left of the control board. This will change from Locker Dispensing Mode to Service Mode
  1. Scroll until you see Motor Count on the display.
  2. Tap the Motor Count option. The Motor Count screen will display.
  3. Tap the Count Motor button on the Motor Count screen. You will see the counting progress bar as it performs a check on each of the locker(s) motors. The final total count will display at the top Current Motor Count tally. All green labeled cubby addresses will indicate which locker cubby motors have been counted successfully. Those with cubby addresses labeled in gray were not counted successfully.



Testing and Troubleshooting Locker System

Testing Expired Cubbies

  1. ADM
    1. Go to the Edit a System screen and view your location's locker system.
    2. Edit the shelflife timer. Set it to a minimal amount of time for you to scan a chit (load) and run the test – about five minutes. 
  1. OrderAhead
    1. Start an online order for the location and select the locker system as the pickup location.
    2. Select a pickup time within 10 to 15 minutes of the current time.
    3. Send your order.
  1. Printer
    1. Print the chit for the order.

  2. Locker
    1. Scan the chit QR code OR enter the 10-digit code to open and close (load) the cubby.

  3. ADM
    1. Notice in the Cubby Scheduling screen that the order is assigned to the cubby with Loaded status.
    2. Wait the allotted pickup time plus the shelf life timer time and refresh the screen.
    3. The cubby should be red and should display Locked status and order expired.

  4. Locker
    1. Scan the OrderAhead QR code from the receipt OR enter the six-digit receipt code to attempt to open the cubby. If the cubby has expired, the customer cannot open the cubby using either of these methods. 


Testing Disabled, Loading, and Retrieving Cubbies

  1. ADM
    1. Go to the Cubby Scheduling screen and view your location's locker system.
    2. Disable a few of the first available cubbies. Note which cubbies you are disabling.

  2. OrderAhead
    1. Start an online order for the location and select the locker system as the pickup location.
    2. Select a pickup time within 10 to 15 minutes of the current time.
    3. Send your order.

  3. Printer
    1. Print the chit for the order.

  4. Locker
    1. Scan the chit QR code OR enter the 10-digit code to open and close (load) the cubby.

  5. ADM
    1. Notice in the Cubby Scheduling screen that the order is assigned to the cubby with Loaded status AND Disabled cubbies were skipped from load assignment (cubbies should remain disabled until reset).

  6. Locker
    1. Scan the OrderAhead QR code from the receipt OR enter the six-digit receipt code to open the cubby. You should be able to successfully open the cubby to retrieve the order before the expiration time you may have set.


Testing Multiple Loads and Retrievals

  1. ADM
    1. Go to the Cubby Scheduling screen in your location's locker system. Reset all the cubbies so they are available for orders to be assigned.

  2. OrderAhead
    1. Start an online order for the location and select the locker system as the pickup location.
    2. Select a pickup time within 10 to 15 minutes of the current time.
    3. Send your order. (Tip: For testing purposes, screenshot each order receipt before tapping Done.)
    4. Repeat for eight additional orders.

  3. Printer
    1. Print the chits for ALL the orders.

  4. Locker
    1. Scan the chit QR codes OR enter the 10-digit code to open and close (load) the cubby.

  5. Locker
    1. Repeat to load ALL orders.

  6. Locker
    1. Scan the OrderAhead QR code from the receipt OR enter the six-digit receipt code to open the cubby. You should be able to successfully open the cubby to retrieve the order before the expiration time you may have set.

  7. Locker
    1. Repeat to retrieve ALL orders.

IMPORTANT:  If you have any issues during testing, first reference the Lockers Operator Troubleshooting Guide.




Master Locker Not Provisioned

If your locker was sent to you before provisioning, it will need to be provisioned with VendNovation before it will function properly. If this is the case, you will need to get your serial number by following the steps in the previous instructions above. Record the serial number as it identifies the locker and will be required for provisioning the locker when you call in for support to VendNovation.

IMPORTANT: Call VendNovation at (425) 454-3264 and press option #1 to speak with an associate for help provisioning the locker. The associate will ask for the provisioning serial number you recorded earlier and walk you through any necessary steps to provision your lockers. 


Cubby Door(s) Maintenance

To open one, multiple, or all of the cubby doors for maintenance and/or cleanout:

  1. Unlock and open the control panel cubby using the keys provided (taped to the control panel door). This will give you access to the Service Mode button located on the back of the control board.

  2. Press the Service Mode button on the lower, left of the control board. This will change from Locker Dispensing Mode to Service Mode.

  3. Scroll to the Diagnostics option in the list.
  4. Tap the Diagnostics option. The Diagnostics screen will display.
  5. Tap the Test Vend option. The Test Vending screen will display.
  6. Tap Select All at the top to open all cubby doors in each of the lockers OR tap the specific cubbies that you want to open.
    Note: To open a specific cubby door, you will need to know the address of the cubby you want to open. The layout on the display is a grid and will not match the physical locker appearance.

  7. Tap Start to begin cycling through and opening either one cubby, multiple cubbies one at a time, or all cubbies one at a time.

    Note: For more than one cubby, the next cubby will open when the previous cubby door closes.




Cubby Contains Expired Food

When entering the Locker System's master code into ADM, any locked cubbies containing expired items will be unlocked for servicing.



The lockers will open sequentially. For example, let's suppose that there are three lockers containing expired food: Locker 10, Locker 15, and Locker 20. Once the master code has been entered, Locker 10 will unlock, allowing for cleaning and servicing. Once that has occurred, close the locker door. This will let the system know that you are ready to clean out the next expired cubby, Locker 15, which will now unlock so that it can be cleaned. This will continue until all expired lockers are cleaned out. 

If there are no expired items in the lockers to clean out, entering the master code will display the text Vend Error: Could not open locker.


Change Locker Controller Password

To change the locker controller password:

  1. Unlock and open the control panel cubby using the keys provided (taped to the control panel door). This will give you access to the Service Mode button located on the back of the control board.

  2. Press the Service Mode button on the lower, left of the control board. This will change from Locker Dispensing Mode to Service Mode.
  1. Scroll down to the System Updates option. The System Updates screen will display.
  2. Tap the Password Reset option on the System Updates screen. The Password Entry screen will display.
  3. Enter your current password from the display's keypad and tap the Green Arrow button to continue.
    Note: The factory default password is 2314 if you are changing to a new password.

  4. Enter your new password from the display's keypad. Tap the Green Arrow button to save it.

    Note: Once your new password is saved, the default or previous password will no longer work.