
365Lockers - ADM Settings


Operators can offer multiple Pickup Locations to their consumers via 365Dining’s OrderAhead feature. These pickup locations can be arbitrary places, such as 1st Floor, 2nd Floor, etc., or they can be Locker locations. 

The 365Lockers offer additional security and control over existing options. Your customers can rest assured that their meals will be kept in a sanitary environment until they are ready to retrieve them. 

Each locker system includes one master locker and can have up to five additional satellite lockers. See the 365Lockers – Hardware and Maintenance Guide for more information on device hardware. 


Locker Model Numbers





Location Locker Systems Dashboard

The Location Locker Systems dashboard provides a grid of all the currently selected org’s locations that have locker systems already created. 

To get to the Location Locker Systems dashboard screen:

  1. Tap Admin in the ADM Menu bar.

  2. Tap Locker System. The Location Locker Systems dashboard screen will display.

The Location Locker Systems dashboard screen shows the existing locker systems for the Org you have selected in the upper, right (e.g., 365 Headquarters). Locker systems are organized under the location they are associated with. You can quickly search for a specific locker system by typing the system name into the System Name search bar at the top, left of the screen. 

Various functions can be performed directly from the grid to help you manage a locker system, such as:

  • Resetting locker cubbies to Available.
  • Copying an entire locker system layout to another location.
  • Deleting a locker system.
  • Accessing the locker systems Cubby Scheduling screen.

IMPORTANT: The location’s locker system is a virtual representation of the physical in-the-field locker system. The cubby address and locker layout must match the locker system. 


Viewing and Editing Existing Locker System

To view or edit an existing locker system, tap the Locker System name from the Location Locker Systems screen grid. The Edit a System screen will display showing the particular locker system that you selected. 

In the Edit a System screen, you can edit the:

  • Location
  • System name
  • Display name
  • Shelf life timer
  • Control serial number
  • System layout (ex. re-arrange lockers, change locker models, add/remove lockers).


IMPORTANT: You MUST have ONE Master (control panel locker) per locker system. Each locker system can support a maximum of SIX total lockers (including the Master).


Creating New Locker System 

To create a new locker system, tap the Create a System button on the Location Locker Systems screen. The Create a System screen will display. 

In the Create a System screen you can:

  • Select the location.
  • Assign a system name.
  • Assign a display name.
  • Set a shelf life timer.
  • Add the control serial number.
  • Create the system layout (e.g., add, remove, or re-arrange lockers, set locker models).


  1. Select the location from the Location drop-down menu to which this locker system will belong. This is required to save the locker system.

  2. Enter a descriptive name under System for the locker system.
    This is required to save the locker system and will be visible only to operators and 365.

  3. In the Display area, you may either enter a user-friendly name for the locker system, or upload an image of the locker. Choosing one of these options is required to save the locker system, and it will be displayed to the consumer to indicate the location of the locker.
    The max image size is 960x480 (2:1 ratio), and must be a jpg or png file
    ADM - Lockers - Display - Add Image
  1. Enter an expiration time under Shelf Life Timer for the locker system orders. A setting of any number greater than zero will be counted in minutes. The timer starts after the pickup time has passed. Setting zero minutes denotes no shelf-life timer. This is an OPTIONAL setting.

For example: If a consumer’s pickup time is 10:00 a.m. and the shelf-life timer is set at 30 minutes, the consumer’s order will “expire” and cubby will be locked by 10:30 a.m. and the consumer’s codes will no longer open the cubby door.


Add Locker(s) to Locker System

There are two locker models available to add to a locker system. The 18 Door Master which contains the control panel and the 20 Door Satellite. One master locker is required to have a functional locker system. You can have zero to five additional satellite lockers for a total of six lockers per locker system.

To add a locker to the locker system:

  1. Tap the Add a Locker button from the Create a System or Edit System screen. A new locker section will display requiring you to make a Locker Model selection.

  2. Select the Locker Model from the - Select Locker Model- drop-down menu.

    You will only be able to select ONE 18 Door Master which is the control panel locker and up to SIX total lockers which includes the master per locker system. You must have an 18 Door Master control panel locker included in your locker system for it to function.

  3. Repeat steps one and two until you have added all the lockers to your locker system.

  4. Tap the Save button to save the locker system.


Remove Locker(s) from Locker System 

To remove a locker from the locker system:

  1. Tap the X Icon below the locker from the Create a System or Edit System screen. The locker will be removed from the layout. If you remove a locker by accident, just add the locker model back to the layout.

  2. Tap the Save button to save the locker system.


Re-Arrange Layout for Locker System

To re-arrange lockers in a locker system:

  1. Tap the Arrow Icon to the left or right below the locker in the Create a System or Edit System screen to move that locker to the left or right in the locker system layout.
    Note: You will only see the arrows when there are two more lockers in your layout.

  2. Tap the Save button to save the locker system.



Add Master Locker Control Serial to Locker System



To find the master locker’s serial number from the locker’s control panel:

  1. Unlock and open the control panel cubby using the keys provided (taped to the control panel door). This will give you access to the Service Mode button located on the back of the control board.
  2. Press the Service Mode button on the lower, left of the control board. This will change from Locker Dispensing Mode to Service Mode. The Service Mode display will provide a very long list of options for you can scroll through and select.
  3. Scroll to the bottom where you will see the Help option.
  4. Tap Help and the Help screen will display.
  5. Tap the About option and the About screen will display showing the Serial # along with other details displayed around your controller.
  6. Copy or take a picture of it for reference. This is the number you will use to add your master locker control serial to the locker system in ADM under the Locker System screen.

IMPORTANT: Linking your master locker control serial number to the correct locker system for the location is imperative for your actual locker system to function. The serial number entered will be the link that allows communication between the physical locker system and the backend communication for orders and cubby management.

To add the master locker’s serial number to the locker system:

  1. Tap the Add Control Serial button from the Create a System or Edit System screen. The Add Control Serial Number prompt will display.
  2. Enter the control serial number.
  3. Tap the Save button when prompted to save the serial number to the screen. Notice that The Add Control Serial Number button now becomes the Edit Control Serial button so you can edit the serial number if you have an error. The serial number you entered will display as read-only to the left of the button for reference.

Note: Saving from the prompt does not save the serial number to the locker system until you save the entire locker system. It only adds the serial number to any other updates you have made on the screen until you are ready to save the entire system.


  1. Tap the Save button to save the locker system with the associated serial number. The Location Locker System dashboard screen will display again. The locker system will be visible in the Location Locker System dashboard grid under the correct location.


The Location Locker System Dashboard

As mentioned above, the Location Locker System dashboard screen provides a convenient way for you to view and manage existing locker systems for the Org you have selected in the upper, right of the screen (e.g., 365 Headquarters). 


View of Location Locker Systems

All locker systems will be rolled up under the location to which they belong, and the grid will be collapsed (by default) so locker systems details will not be visible unless expanded. When viewing the Location Locker System screen, all locations will be listed under the Locations column that have at least one locker system. The Systems column will show how many systems belong to that location.

Each location has a Master Code that is automatically generated. The code can be entered in the control panel and used to perform locker cleanouts. (See 365Lockers – Setup and Maintenance Guide.)

Locker systems are organized under the location where they are associated. Each locker system will be listed under the System Name column and include a Scheduling button.

Click the Scheduling button and the Cubby Scheduling screen for that locker system will display showing a grid like the image below. 
The grid includes the following columns:

  • # Lockers – Displays the number of lockers that are included in that locker system.
  • # Doors – Displays the number of cubby doors across all lockers in the system.
  • Created – Displays the date the locker system was created.
  • Modified – Displays the last date the locker system was edited.

Each locker system has three additional actions:

  • Reset Lockers button – Reset all the system cubbies to Available status.
  • Copy icon – Create a copy of an entire locker.
  • Delete icon – Delete the locker system.


Reset the Status of All Cubbies in the Locker System to "Available"

To reset the cubbies Available status for a locker system:

  1. Go to the Location Locker Systems screen.

  2. Tap the Reset Lockers button for the locker system that is needing to be reset.

All cubbies in that locker system will be reset to Available status from their previous status (e.g., Loaded, Locked, Disabled). Available status means that the cubby is available to be assigned to a new order for pickup.


Copy an Existing Locker System

To copy an entire locker system to another location or copy it to an additional locker system at the same location:

  1. Go to the Location Locker Systems screen.

  2. Tap the Copy icon for the locker system that you want to copy. The Create a System screen will display the following changes: 

a. The Location will be pre-selected with the same location you are coping from (this can be changed).

b. The System Name will be blank, requiring a new name.

c. The Display Name will be blank, requiring a new name.

d. The Shelf Life Timer will be copied over.

e. The system layout will be pre-created identical to the copied locker system.

  1. Location drop-down menu – Leave or change the location where this locker system will belong.

Note: This is required to save the locker system.

  1. System – Enter a descriptive name for the locker system.

Note: This is required to save the locker system. It will be visible only to operators and 365.

  1. Display – Enter a user-friendly name for the locker system.

Note: This is required to save the locker system. It will be displayed to the consumer as a pickup location option.

  1. Shelf Life Timer – Leave or change the expiration time for the locker system orders. A setting of any number greater than zero will be counted in minutes. The timer starts after the pickup time has passed. Setting zero minutes denotes no shelf-life timer.

Note: This is an OPTIONAL setting.

  1. Leave or modify the system layout by adding, removing, or re-arranging the lockers in the system.
  1. Tap the Save button to save the locker system.


Delete Existing Locker System

To delete an existing locker system:

  1. Tap the Delete icon for the locker system that you would like to delete in the Location Locker Systems screen.

  2. Tap Yes, Delete to confirm that you want to delete the locker system (in case you possibly tapped the Delete icon by accident). The locker system will be deleted from this location and the Location Locker Systems screen will display again.


Tap the Cancel button to cancel the delete. The Location Locker Systems screen will display again.



Reset Location’s Master Code

To reset the location’s locker system(s) master code:

  1. Tap Reset Code for the location where you want to generate a new master code in the Location Locker Systems screen.

  2. Verify with the Confirm Master Code Reset prompt that you want to reset the master code for the location. The following message will display: “This cannot be undone, and previous Master Code will no longer work.

  3. Tap the Yes, Reset button to confirm the reset. The new master code will be generated for this location. The Location Locker Systems screen will display again showing the new master code.


Tap the Cancel button to cancel the resetting of the master code. The Location Locker Systems screen will display again.


Cubby Scheduling 

The Cubby Scheduling screen provides a virtual representation of all the cubbies included in the locker system and a method to view and manage each cubby status.

Each locker system has its own Cubby Scheduling screen that provides a grid of all cubbies included in the locker system. The grid includes the following columns:

  • Address – displays each cubby address.
  • Cubby Status – displays each cubby status.
  • Order Submitted – displays the order of the submission date and time.
  • Time To Lockdown – displays the time remaining before the cubby becomes locked down from pickup (based on shelf life timer).

Each cubby will have a way to change the cubby status manually depending on the current status.

  • Tap the Reset button to reset a cubby back to Available status.
  • Tap the Disable button to disable a cubby if there are temporary issues with it.


View of Cubby with Loaded Status

A cubby in the Loaded status will only have the option to Reset it back to Available status. If a shelf life timer has been set, it will display in the Time to Lockdown column. If the remaining time to lockdown is three minutes or less, the row showing the cubby and the Reset button will be highlighted in yellow

Note: If you need to disable a cubby in this state, Reset the cubby and then Disable it.



View of Cubby with Locked Status

A cubby in the Locked status will have the option to Disable AND Reset it back to Available status. The shelf life timer will have been met and Locked will appear in the Time to Lockdown column. The row showing the cubby and Reset button will be highlighted in red.  

Note: A locked cubby can only be opened by the operator. This status occurs when the order has expired based on the shelf life timer set.


View of Cubby with Disabled Status

A cubby in the Disabled status will only have the option to Reset it back to Available status.   There will be no Order Submitted and Time to Lockdown values as no orders can be assigned to the cubby. A cubby in this state will not be Available to assign to any orders until it is reset.


View of Cubby with Available Status

A cubby in the Available status will only have the option to Disable it. There will be no Order Submitted and Time to Lockdown as no orders are assigned to the cubby yet. A cubby in this state will be available to assign to orders when a chit is scanned at the control panel for order placement.


Reset Status of Cubby in Locker System to Available

Tap the Reset button to reset a cubby status to Available in the Cubby Scheduling screen. That cubby will be reset to Available from its previous status (i.e., Loaded, Locked, or Disabled).

Note: Resetting a loaded cubby will automatically expire the order, so be sure the cubby is empty. Also be sure the locker is cleared from a locked cubby as these are the orders that have expired based on the shelf life timer.



Disable Cubby in Locker System

Tap the Disable button to disable a cubby from the Cubby Scheduling screen. That cubby will be set to disabled from its previous status (i.e., Locked, Available).  

Note:  A cubby in this state will not be available to assign to any orders until it is reset.
