
ADM Signage tab/Zbox V5 - Operator

If you are an operator or driver and want to use the Signage tab in ADM, click the following link to learn how to set up your permission: ADM Roles & Permissions 1-2021.


ADM Signage Tab

The Signage tab is located in the row of tabs near the bottom of the Location Summary page. For the Signage tab to be visible, the Has Signage field in the Location Summary page must be set to “Yes”. You may need assistance from 365 to change the option in the Has Signage field. In this document, assume that you can see the tab.    

  1. Click the Locations tab in the Menu bar in ADM. The Location List page will display.

  2. Select your desired location. The Locations Summary page for that location will display.

  3. Scroll down to the tabs near the bottom of the page.

  4. Click the Signage tab.
    365 - ADM Signage tab.png
  5. Select Add Signage Commercial. The following popup window will display with the Chose Existing tab selected.
    365 - ADM Add signage.png
  6. To upload an existing image, choose from the images displayed or search for an existing image.

  7. To upload a new image, click the Upload New tab and the following popup window will display.
  8. 365 - ADM Upload signage.png
  9.  If you are uploading a new image, be sure it meets the criteria shown in the Upload New tab.

  10. Give the image a name.

  11. Click Add. The Location Summary page will display again.

  12. Click the Signage tab to see your signage listed in the grid.

  13. Click on the name of your signage to see how it will display to your consumers.

365 - Default Kiosk signage example.png