
ADM - Global Product Change - Operator Guide


The Global Product Change (GPC) feature in ADM gives operators complete control over updating and managing products. This allows operators to quickly change product pricing, update product categories, tax categories, deposit categories, view change history, and much more.


Performing a Global Product Change (GPC)

  1. Log into ADM

  2. Select the Product tab, then select Global Product Change from the resulting drop-down menu

    ADM - Menu - Product - Global Product Change
  3. The Global Product Change screen will now display. You must now decide if you will be making a local-level product change, or a global-level product change.

    ADM - Global Product Change page


Global Product Change for Location(s)

A local level product change, called the Global Product Change for Location(s), allows operators to update products at the location level. Location-level edits will always override any Global Product settings.

  1. Now that you have navigated to the Global Product Change screen as described above, make sure the Global Product Change for Location(s) option is selected.

    ADM - Global Product Change - Global Product Change for Locations Selected
  2. Search for the location(s) where you would like to change products by using the Search to Filter search bar, then select these location(s) by clicking on their name. 

    ADM - Global Product Change - Locations - Search to Filter
  3. Now that you have selected at least one location, you may filter by products by selecting the Products tab. Products can be searched by product name, UPC, UPC range, Product ID, Product ID range, category, or the picklist action assigned. 
    Select Apply when you have your filters set. 

    ADM - Global Product Change - Products Filter Options
  4. All products that meet your search criteria will now display. You may reorder these results by the columns of information, such as price, cost, etc. Select the products you would like to change by clicking on them, which will highlight them in blue. Once you have selected all your desired products, click NEXT.

    ADM - Global Product Change - Filtered Product List
  5. The Product Fields to Change page will now appear. Here, you can choose to either Update or Increment fields by clicking on the corresponding buttons.

    • Update: An update will replace the existing value. For example, typing 1.00 into the Price field would change the price of all selected products to $1.00.
      • A location-level update can change the price, minimum, maximum, Pick List Action, Loyalty Multiplier, Tax 1, Tax 2, and Deposit.

        ADM - Global Product Change - Product Fields to Change - Update
    • Increment: An incremental change will add or subtract the value you have entered from the original value.
      When it comes to price, this can be done in one of two ways:

      • Price Amount: This will increase or decrease the price by the amount entered. For example, if you enter 2.50 into the Amount field, each product will increase in price by $2.50. To decrease by this amount, put a minus sign ( - ) in front of the number. 

      • Price Percent: This will increase or decrease the price by the percentage entered. For example, if you enter 15 in the Percent field, each product will increase in price by 15% percent. To decrease by this amount, put a minus sign ( - ) in front of the number. 
        You can enter up to two decimal places in this field. For example, if you enter 10.45, the price will increase by 10.45%. Prices will always be rounded up or down to the nearest hundredths place: for example, if the calculation would make the price $1.156, it will be rounded up to $1.16

      • A location-level increment can change the price, minimum, maximum, Tax 1, Tax 2, or Deposit.

        ADM - Global Product Change - Product Fields to Change - Increment

  6. Click the SUBMIT in the lower right corner button once you have entered data into the desired fields.

    365 - ADM - Global Product Change - Submit

  7. You will receive a pop-up to confirm the changes. If the information is correct, select OK.

    ADM - Global Product Change - Confirmation Pop-up
  8. After reading a summary of your selected changes, an additional screen will pop up requiring you to type 'confirm' and press enter to begin the process. Make sure to fully read and review all proposed Global Product Changes.
    365 - Global Product Change Confirm display.PNG
  9. Once you have confirmed the changes, you will be taken back to the Global Product Change page, where you will see a pop-up confirming the number of products that were updated in the lower right corner.

    ADM - Global Product Change - Two Products Updated

Operator Product Catalog Change

A global level product change, called the Operator Product Catalog Change, allows operators to edit products on the Global Products List (GPL). The GPL stores product information to be extended to the location level. It manages all general information about the product, such as categories, type, scancode, and more.

  1. Now that you have navigated to the Global Product Change screen as described above, select the option for Operator Product Catalog Change at the top of the page.
    ADM - Global Product Change - Operator Product Catalog Change

  2. You may now search for products you would like to change. Products can be searched by product name, UPC, UPC range, Product ID, Product ID range, category, or the picklist action assigned.
    Select Apply when you have your filters set.

    ADM - Global Product Change - Operator Product Catalog Change - Products search
  3. All products that meet your search criteria will now display. You may reorder these results by the columns of information, such as price, cost, etc. Select the products you would like to change by clicking on them, which will highlight them in blue. Once you have selected all your desired products, click NEXT.

    ADM - Global Product Change - Operator Product Catalog Change - Full screen
  4. The Product Fields to Change page will now appear. Here, you can choose to either Update or Increment fields by clicking on the corresponding buttons.

    • Update: An update will replace the existing value. For example, typing 1.00 into the Price field would change the price of all selected products to $1.00.
      • A global-level update can change the product name, cost, price, minimum, maximum, Pick List ActionDisplay Need ByRounding, Loyalty Multiplier, Category 1, 2, and 3, Tax Category, Deposit Category, Case Count, and Disabled (which disables the product in the Global Product list, making it unavailable for locations). 
        ADM - Global Product Change - Operator Product Catalog Change - Update
    • Increment: An incremental change will add or subtract the value you have entered from the original value.
      When it comes to price, this can be done in one of two ways:

      • Price Amount: This will increase or decrease the price by the amount entered. For example, if you enter 2.50 into the Amount field, each product will increase in price by $2.50. To decrease by this amount, put a minus sign ( - ) in front of the number. 

      • Price Percent: This will increase or decrease the price by the percentage entered. For example, if you enter 15 in the Percent field, each product will increase in price by 15% percent. To decrease by this amount, put a minus sign ( - ) in front of the number. 
        You can enter up to two decimal places in this field. For example, if you enter 10.45, the price will increase by 10.45%. Prices will always be rounded up or down to the nearest hundredths place: for example, if the calculation would make the price $1.156, it will be rounded up to $1.16

      • A global-level increment can change the cost, case count, price, minimum, or maximum.

        ADM - Global Product Change - Operator Product Catalog Change - Product Fields to Change - Increment
  5. Whether you are creating an update or an incremental change, you will have the option to Update all Locations with changes with the checkbox at the bottom of this page. Checking this box will update your products in the GPL, then push those changes to your locations, as well. 

  6. Click the SUBMIT in the lower right corner button once you have entered data into the desired fields.

  7. You will receive a pop-up to confirm the changes. If the information is correct, select OK.
  8. After reading a summary of your selected changes, an additional screen will pop up requiring you to type 'confirm' and press enter to begin the process. Make sure to fully read and review all proposed Global Product Changes.
    365 - Global Product Change Confirm display.PNG
  9. Once you have confirmed the changes, you will be taken back to the Global Product Change page, where you will see a pop-up confirming the number of products that were updated in the lower right corner.

    ADM - Global Product Change - Two Products Updated


View Global Product Change History

  1. From the Global Product Change screen, click the History button on the right.

    ADM - Global Product Change - History button highlighted
  2. The Global Product Change History page will display. This will show logs of GPC updates that were completed. For each changelog submission, the following information will be displayed:

    365 - ADM - Global Product Change - Global Product Change History
    • Date/Time Submitted: The date and time when the GPC update was submitted.

    • Date/Time Completed: The date and time when the GPC updated finished updating all products. If the update is still processing, this column will display In Progress.

    • User: The name of the ADM user that submitted the GPC update.

    • # of Products Updated: The number of total items that were updated as part of this GPC update. If the update is still processing, this column will display In Progress.

    • # of Locations Updated: The number of total Locations that were updated as part of this GPC update. If the update is still processing, this column will display In Progress.

    • Change Type: The type of submitted update, such as Global Product Change for Locations or Operator Product Catalog Change

  3. When a changelog is selected from the Global Product Change History page, further details regarding that specific log will display. The columns are described below. Additionally, there will be an Export Log button in the top-right corner of the page. When selected, this export will generate an Excel file with the same column headers and data as the Global Product Change History page.  

    365 - ADM - Global Product Change - Global Product Change History 2

    • Global/Location: It is possible to update only the global level of a product or the location level of a product.
      • If the change was done at the location level, this column will display the distinct Location name
      • If the change is purely at the global level, this column will display "Global".
      • If a user updates both the global and location level, this column will display "All".

    • Product Name: The name of the product updated.

    • UPC: The UPC of the product updated.

    • Field: This will show the name of the specific field that was updated. For example, this could be Min, Max, Category. 

    • Change Type: This will show either "Update" or "Increment", depending on the type of adjustment made to the product.

    • Original Value: This will show the pre-change value of the field. This could be numbers or letters, depending on the change. For example, a user could update a Min value that was set to "5," or change a Category value that was set to "Beverages."

    • Updated Value: This will show the post-change value of the field. This could be numbers or letters, depending on the change. For example, a user could update a Min value to "10," or change a Category value to "Drinks."


Global Product Change Restore Original Values

If you have made a recent Global Product Change that you would like to undo, you may contact 365Support at (888) 365-6282 or to have your GPC rolled back.