
MM6 CK Kiosk to 365 Kiosk Conversion Guide


The following article contains instructions for a user to converting a CK MM6 kiosk to a 365 MM6 kiosk


Before Starting

Before starting, ensure that you have ordered the conversion kit through your account representative, and have scheduled your conversion with CK Support. CK support can be reached at 877-280-7373.

The kiosk must be online to be converted, and the process may take 50 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the kiosk's internet connectivity. It is recommended the conversion happen at a warehouse to reduce down time.

If a printer is being used on the kiosk, a new XP unit will need to be ordered for the conversion. Be sure to review the checklist below before beginning.



  • ADM Login

  • MM6 T-Lock key to open the kiosk

  • Keyboard & Mouse (Wired recommended)

  • Scheduled conversion with CK Support at 877-280-7373

  • Conversion Kit - Speak with account representative to order 
    • 2 USBs for imaging a Market Kiosk (labeled appropriately, extra USB is a backup)

    • 1 USB for imaging a Café/Dining Kiosk (labeled appropriately)

    • 2 USBs for imaging the Castle reader (labeled appropriately, extra USB is a backup)

    • 2 "USB A" to "USB B" converters

    • Barcode scan programming sheet



Imaging the Kiosk

  1. Contact CK Support at 877-280-7373 when you are ready to begin the conversion. They will need to know which kiosk is being converted so that they can run a remote command. They will also provide you a specific serial number needed for later steps.

  2. Test all kiosk peripherals before beginning to ensure everything works appropriately

  3. Make sure the kiosk is closed out and cashed out

  4. Open the kiosk using the key

  5. Unplug the webcam and plug in your keyboard

  6. Depending on the type of kiosk, plug in the MM6 Market V5 USB drive for a V5 device, or the MM6 Dining USB drive for a Dining/Cafe kiosk. If there are no ports available, unplug another peripheral temporarily to use its USB port. 

  7. Reboot the kiosk. The kiosk will power up to a black screen with an option that says "USB" or similar. If you do not see this screen, inform the 365 Implementation team. 

  8. Select the USB option with your keyboard and press Enter. You have a few seconds to do so before the kiosk boots up to the normal operating system. 

  9. If properly done, the kiosk will boot to a screen that says "Clonezilla" and displays a few other options. The kiosk will complete the imaging process itself and power down, so no further action is needed on your part for now. 
    NOTE: Be sure NOT to press any buttons on the keyboard during this time. While imaging itself, the kiosk will look something like the images below. The screen orientation may be flipped, but this is normal while imaging.


Converting the Card Reader

While waiting for the kiosk to finish the imaging process, we may now turn our attention towards the Card Reader.

  1. Power off the card reader by unplugging the power cable from the back. 

  2. Attach the Castle Reader USB drive to the right available port using a USB A Female to B Male adapter cable. 

  3. Attach the keyboard to the Castle Reader's middle USB port using the other USB A Female to B Male adapter cable. 

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Reader Cables
  4. Power the reader on.

  5. As soon as you see System Initializing on the reader screen, begin repeatedly pressing the keyboard Esc key until you see the Program Manager screen.

  6. The Program Manager will ask the reader to run CKPAY. Press the "2" button on your keyboard to delete CKPAY. 

  7. Press the "0" button on the keyboard to start the installation of the new reader software. 

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Reader Program Manager
  8. On the System Menu screen, select the "1" button to download the AP.

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Reader System Menu
  9. Select the "2" button to download the APP from the attached USB drive. The reader may take a couple of minutes to complete the download process. 

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Reader Download USB
  10. Once the download is complete, the reader will reboot. After rebooting, the reader will display a screen that says Processing
    • If the Program Manager page does not say Processing, it will instead display the word "caspay".  To address this, navigate to caspay with your keyboard's arrow keys. 

    • Press the "1" button on the keyboard, which will select DefSel on the bottom left of the device screen. 

    • Navigate again to caspay, ensuring it is highlighted as well as the Default Select text in the bottom left corner. 

      365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Reader caspay
    • With both caspay and Default Select highlighted, press Enter. The device will now display the Processing screen.

  11. At this point, you will need to enter the kiosk's IP address, which we will do during the Finalizing Setup phase of the process. For now, complete the kiosk setup by continuing on to the next phase in the process: Kiosk Software Updates


Kiosk Software Updates

  1. Now that the kiosk is fully imaged, it will have turned itself off. Power on the PC to continue.

  2. Once turned on, the kiosk will display a "Welcome" screen. Select OK

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Setup App
  3. The Network Setup screen will appear. This screen has a list of features including InternetServicesNetwork Check, and Software Updates. Each feature will have a green checkmark if they have loaded properly, or a red X if they have failed to load properly. If the Network Check has failed, press the Check for Updates button. 

  4. The last feature on the list, Software Updates, can take anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes to complete, depending on internet connectivity and how out-of-date the software is. Once you have all green checkmarks on the list, hit Next

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Menu
  5. The Commission Kiosk screen is where you will enter the kiosk serial number provided by the CK Support team. Enter the serial number, then select Next

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Serial Number
  6. Two screens may appear after you hit Next: one saying the kiosk already exists, or one stating that the process was successful. 
    Read on to find the steps for Kiosk Already Exists!, or skip ahead to find the section concerning the "Success" Message


"Kiosk Already Exists!" Message

  1. After you receive the message Kiosk Already Exists! at the end of the Kiosk Software Updates process, select the red Clear Deploy Date button at the bottom. 

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Kiosk Already Exists Warning
  2. You will be taken to the Admin Login screen, where you will enter the PIN 365 (leaving the last number field blank) and select Submit.

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion PIN Entry
  3. You will be taken back to the Kiosk Already Exists! screen, where the screen may remain for up to a minute before moving on. Do not press any buttons during this time, and instead take the time to plug back in any kiosk peripherals you removed, such as the webcam. 

  4. When the kiosk moves on, you will be asked to verify the kiosk's information. If it looks correct, select Next.

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Kiosk Info
  5. The kiosk will then begin syncing and updating, which may take 10 to 15 minutes.
    • It is possible the kiosk may fail to sync, in which case you will select Next again. The process may need to be repeated several times before it is successful.

  6. After the sync and update is successful, you will begin testing the peripherals. Begin by deselecting any devices that are not applicable to the kiosk. 

  7. Select Begin Testing. Please ensure that you have the barcode scanner programming sheet, as well as bills on hand to test the Bill Acceptor, if applicable. 
    • When testing each device, a green checkmark will appear if the test was successful. Once the checkmark appears, select Next or Skip to move on.
    • If one or more devices fail the tests, you will see a red X next to that peripheral. Contact 365 support at (888) 365-6282 for help in addressing the failing peripherals. If the peripheral is not crucial to the operation of your market, you may proceed to the next step. 

      365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Peripherals Test
  8. When the barcode scanner comes up during testing, grab the programming sheet and scan it.

  9. Once finished, select Start Kiosk to start up the Point of Sale (POS) application. 

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Peripherals Test Fail
  10. Verify that the kiosk is online via ADM or from the kiosk itself. Please see the article Legacy & VS - Network Connectivity Verification and Troubleshooting - Operator Guide for instructions on verifying the network connectivity status, either remotely or on-site. 

  11. Continue on to the Finalizing Setup phase of the process. 


"Success" Message

  1. If you received a green Success popup at the end of the Kiosk Software Updates process, then the kiosk will have finished installing software and syncing data. Select OK on the popup to continue. 

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Sync Success Popup
  2. Enter your ADM login credentials on the next screen and select Continue

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Kiosk Sign-in
  3. On the Select a Device to Copy screen, you will be able to select from the Orgs and Locations to which you have access in ADM. Select the appropriate OrgLocation, and Device (matching the serial number you were provided) from the dropdowns and select Next

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Select Copy Device
  4. The Confirm Setup screen provides an overview of the device you want to copy, as well as the device and location intended to be copied to. If everything on this screen appears correct, choose Confirm & Finalize. If any information needs to be changed, select Back instead. 

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Confirm Setup
  5. Now you will begin testing the peripherals. Begin by deselecting any devices that are not applicable to the kiosk. 

  6. Select Begin Testing. Please ensure that you have the barcode scanner programming sheet, as well as bills on hand to test the Bill Acceptor, if applicable. 
    • When testing each device, a green checkmark will appear if the test was successful. Once the checkmark appears, select Next or Skip to move on.
    • If one or more devices fail the tests, you will see a red X next to that peripheral. Contact 365 support at (888) 365-6282 for help in addressing the failing peripherals. If the peripheral is not crucial to the operation of your market, you may proceed to the next step. 

      365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Peripherals Test
  7. When the barcode scanner comes up during testing, grab the programming sheet and scan it.

  8. Once finished, select Start Kiosk to start up the Point of Sale (POS) application. 

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Peripherals Test Fail
  9. Verify that the kiosk is online via ADM or from the kiosk itself. Please see Legacy & VS - Network Connectivity Verification and Troubleshooting - Operator Guide for instructions on verifying the network connectivity status, either remotely or on-site. 

  10. Continue on to the Finalizing Setup phase of the process. 


Finalizing Setup

  1. The kiosk should be on the Point-of-Sale screen. To retrieve the IP Address and finish configuring the Castle reader, tap on the top left corner of the screen 4-5 times to open the Driver Login screen. The bottom left corner will display the kiosk's IP, shown below. 

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Driver Login PIN
  2. Activate they keypad on the Castle reader by tapping the lower left corner 4 times, then tapping the top left corner 4 times

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Reader Processing
  3. Enter the IP Address of the kiosk using the keypad and press OK

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Reader Processing with IP Address
  4. The kiosk will boot up to a 365 logo. Inform the 365 Implementation team that the reader has been converted.

  5. On the kiosk, tap the Self-Service Mode button in the top right corner to take the kiosk back to the POS system. 

    365 MM6 Kiosk Conversion Driver Login PIN
  6. Once the kiosk loads, perform a test by scanning an item and completing a purchase. If the scanner doesn't seem to be working, attempt to reprogram it with the programming sheet that was provided in your conversion kit. 

  7. Your kiosk has been converted successfully.