
Legacy, V5, and MM6 - Network Connectivity Verification and Troubleshooting - Operator Guide


The purpose of this guide is to help you manage and troubleshoot your devices and resolve any network issues.

You can check the connectivity status of the following devices on the Legacy platform via Smart HQ:

  • Gen 1 Kiosk
  • Gen 2 Kiosk
  • Gen 3 Kiosk / Gen 3c Kiosk

You can check the connectivity status of the following devices on the V5 platform via ADM or on-site from the device directly:

  • V5 MicroMarket (including Legacy to V5 PC swaps)
  • MM6
  • MM6 Mini
  • NanoMarket
  • ReadyTouch
  • PicoCooler
  • PicoMarket



Validate Network Status on Smart HQ

To validate network status, you must have access to Smart HQ.

  1. Log into Smart HQ.

  2. You will see your locations at the bottom of the page. The Online column displays the network connection status.
    • A green upward-facing arrow indicates the kiosk is online.
    • A red downward-facing arrow indicates the kiosk is offline.
  3. If a kiosk shows offline, a technician will need to be sent on-site to troubleshoot. See the On-Site Troubleshooting Steps section.


V5, MM6 and MM6 Mini

Validating Network Status on ADM

The system is checking for connectivity to the devices approximately every 20 minutes. To validate network status, you must have access to ADM

There are three connectivity statuses you may see:

  • Online = Internet connection is present. The kiosk can reach the backend and monitor server.
  • Local = The kiosk goes into local mode because of network or application errors. The kiosk can reach the backend server but is waiting for the monitor server to bring the kiosk out of local mode.
  • Offline = Internet connection is NOT present. The kiosk cannot reach the backend server.
  1. Log into ADM.

  2. The default Location List screen will display.
  3. The Devices column contains a symbol that indicates the connectivity status of the devices at a particular location. The symbols you may see are listed below:
    • Blue Check (✓) = All devices in this location are online.
    • Red Exclamation ( ! ) = One or more devices in this location are offline.
    • Yellow Exclamation ( ! ) = One or more devices in this location are in local mode.
    devicestatus.PNG localmode.png
  4. If you see a red or yellow exclamation point for the location, hover your cursor over the symbol to see which devices are offline specifically.
    hoversymbol.PNG mceclip0.png
  5. To verify that the status is up to date, click on the icon under the Devices column. 

  6. The connectivity dashboard will load. Select the desired device from the Devices column on the left side, then click the Check Connection button. This will perform a ping and display the current connectivity status for the selected device.
    • Online:
    • Offline:

  7. Also, take note of the last check and next check timestamps to provide further information about the kiosk's status.
  8. To see a chart that will show you more details about the connectivity history of a particular device, follow the steps in the View Connectivity History Chart section below. 


View Connectivity History Chart

  1. If you want more information on the status of a specific location, click the symbol in the Device column for that location.
  2. The screen that displays will provide a detailed view of online, offline, and local mode instances for the device(s) at that location.
    • Devices for the location will show on the left side. Clicking the tab for a device will load the chart specific to that device.
    • You can adjust the date range in the field above the chart.
    • Hovering over the colored segments in the chart will show you the time frame for the connectivity event.


Validating Network Status On-Site

When you are on-site, there is a status indicator on the devices to easily validate network connectivity.

  1. Tap the logo in the upper left corner of the point of sale five times and it will display the Exit Menu.
  2. The connectivity status will show at the bottom of the Exit Menu. It will indicate whether the kiosk is online, offline, or in local mode. Click the status at the bottom of the page to verify the information displayed is up-to-date.

There are three statuses you may see:

  • Online = Internet connection is present. The kiosk can reach the backend and monitor server.
  • Local = The kiosk goes into local mode because of network or application errors. The kiosk can reach the backend server but is waiting for the monitor server to bring the kiosk out of local mode.
  • Offline = Internet connection is NOT present. The kiosk cannot reach the backend server.


Remote Troubleshooting Steps

If a device is in LOCAL mode, you can attempt to resolve the issue by rebooting the device via ADM. This will NOT work if the device is showing as offline.

  1. To reboot from ADM, click the Reboot Device button from the connectivity history chart for the desired device.
  2. Allow approximately five to seven minutes for the device status to refresh within ADM. 


On-Site Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Refer to time segment 0:51-4:00 of Troubleshooting an Offline Kiosk.

  2. Check the Exit menu to see if the connection has been restored (refer to Validating Network Status On-Site).