
365Dining - OrderAhead - Troubleshooting Checklists


The purpose of this article is to provide troubleshooting checklists for our ReadyTouch/365Dining platform. The checklists are separated by individual problem component and broken down further into hardware and software.

It is important to keep in mind that every 365Dining location is different and may not include all pieces of hardware or include all software features mentioned below.

These checklists do not provide explicit troubleshooting steps. Instead, they will act as a guide to walk you through the necessary troubleshooting. For specific troubleshooting, refer to the linked articles in the below checklists.

Hardware Diagrams

Below is a hardware diagram for a 365Dining OrderAhead setup that includes a router, switch, ReadyTouch kiosk, 2 KDS screens, 2 bump bars, a kitchen printer, and a Now Serving screen hosted by an AOpen PC:


OrderAhead Setup with One KDS Screen


OrderAhead Setup with Two KDS Screens


OrderAhead Setup with One KDS and a Now Serving Screen



For more information, view the 365Dining Hardware Configuration Guide and the Operator Hardware Guide


ReadyTouch & Dining Settings

Hardware & Peripherals

  1. If there are problems scanning, reprogram the scanner with the Barcode Scanner Programming Sheets.

  2. If the touchscreen is double-tapping, please contact 365Support at (888) 365-6282 or

  3. For Ingenico issues, please contact 365Support  

  4. If you experience any freezes, crashes (like the Aw, Snap! issue), please contact 365Support  

  5. If the cash drawer will not shut, that usually means there are stuck print jobs in CUPS. Refer to the Printing Software section for more assistance.

  6. If there are any issues with the Ariva S Mini scale, please see the ReadyTouch Serial Scale (Ariva-S-mini) guide
    • In the kiosk's device summary within ADM, check to make sure Scale is set to Serial Port.
    • If the location is using a non-Mini version of the Ariva scale, select USB instead.


ADM Settings

  1. Issues regarding menus, order ahead, and SFE settings (Self-service, cashier service, etc.) can be resolved by following the ADM - Setting Up Menus / Item Buttons article

  2. In the location summary (click the blue bar at the top to reveal the TimeZone field) & on the kiosk itself (within the settings menu), ensure that the date, time, and TimeZone are correct.

  3. Ensure that the kiosk type in the kiosk's device settings page within ADM is set to KIOSK.

  4. Ensure that the CC Processor and Encrypt MSR settings are accurate.
    • CC Processor will either be Apriva or Ingenico, depending on the card reader type.
    • Encrypt MSR will be Magtec for both the Magtec reader & Ingenico.

If there is an issue during this process, check that the SFE settings are correct in the kiosk's device summary within ADM by contacting 365Support at (888) 365-6282 or





  1. Thermal printers used for dining have 3 physical connections: Power, ethernet and USB.
    • If the printer is not directly connected to the kiosk, the ethernet cable should go to the switch or Meraki so it can be discovered through the network within CUPS.
    • The ethernet cable is also used to connect to the cash drawer, which you can view in our ReadyTouch Hardware Guide.

  2. Check for any jams by pressing the feed button.

  3. Many error states can be fixed by power cycling the printer.

  4. Confirm the IP of the printer by powering off the printer and holding feed while powering it on.
    • It should print a receipt that shows the IP, MAC, etc. which can be compared to the Meraki ARP table, IP leases, or connected devices list to determine if the CUPS setup is accurate.

  5. The terminal command lsusb will display all devices that are connected to the ReadyTouch/V5 via USB. Use this command to determine if local printers are detected by the CPU.



  1. Dining printers are hosted in CUPS. Contact 365Support for setup instructions, troubleshooting steps, and information on how to configure and link a kitchen printer to a KDS.

    • The vast majority of software-related printing issues are due to improper setups in CUPS (improper IP assignments, naming, or driver issues) and print groups on products and CKDS devices. The linked article goes over proper setups for all of these issues.

  2. It is vitally important to understand that each kiosk has its own CUPS instance.

    • For example, if a dining location has 3 kiosks and each kiosk needs to print to the same kitchen printers, you need to access each kiosk's CUPS instance via kiosk IP (more info can be found in the article linked above) and set up the printers exactly the same for each kiosk.

    • Pay close attention to which printer is set up as the server default on a per-kiosk basis.

  3. Check each kiosk in ADM to ensure that the Has Printer option is set to Yes.

    • In the device settings on ADM, there is also a Print Kitchen Chit option. This option will print the order to the kitchen printers and an additional kitchen receipt from the local/hardwired receipt printer on the kiosk. The expeditor printer option will print the additional chit to the expeditor printer, if one exists.

    • Don't forget to push syncs from the ADM location when making changes.

  4. If there are issues with cash drawers not closing or opening, this usually means there are stuck print jobs in CUPS or that the cashier chose the wrong print queue when logging in. Access that individual kiosk's instance of CUPS and clear out the print queue for the printer that is the server default, and have the cashier re-log into the kiosk.

  5. The vast majority of printer issues can be resolved by approaching the issue like a new setup.
    • Go through each printer on CUPS for each kiosk, re-set it up, send a test print & confirm that it went to the correct printer.
    • Attempt to make purchases from each kiosk & from the order ahead menu, if applicable.
    • Check product print groups and KDS print settings by following the steps in the linked article.


KDS & AOpen PC


  1. To view the physical connections required to install/setup a KDS or AOpen PC for a Now Serving Screen, view the Hardware & Functionality section of the OrderAhead Operator Guide

  2. For information on the optional Bump Bar for a KDS, view our KDS - Bumpbar Setup article

  3. Ensure that the devices are connected to the same network as the ReadyTouch.
    • Referring to our Hardware Diagrams, they can be connected to either the switch (if one exists) or directly to the router.

  4. To perform additional troubleshooting and view additional settings on the KDS itself, you can remote into the KDS via VNC (on Meraki VPN) by pulling the IP from the location summary's KDS tab in ADM or the Meraki router's connected devices list.
    • Now Serving Screens are hosted by an AOpen PC as per our above diagrams. 365Support can also remote into these and view the Now Serving Screens if need be. 


ADM Settings

Please contact 365Support at (888) 365-6282 or for assistance with your ADM settings.


365Pay App/OrderAhead

App Usage & Account Creation

  1. Ensure that the app is fully updated.

  2. Reinstall the app if there are any further issues.

  3. If needed, there is a forgot password link on the login page.

  4. Follow the steps provided in the 365Pay App Operator Guide.

  5. Contact 365Support if you need any assistance with a refund


ADM Settings

  1. Reach out to 365Support to ensure that your locations are set up for OrderAhead. 

  2. Issues regarding menus, order ahead, and SFE settings (Self-service, cashier service, etc.) can be resolved by following the steps found at ADM - Setting Up Menus / Item Buttons.

  3. Refer to the OrderAhead Operator Guide - OrderAhead Settings section for additional troubleshooting.