
LightSpeed LEVEL - Android App - User Guide


This article is a collection of Lightspeed LEVEL guide materials for Android operating systems. Please download and view the attached PDF presentations on the left.



  • From the home screen, tap on Settings before logging into the application to view and or configure the environment the device is pointing to
    • Select the Voice Input options to enable voice for quantities and sizes entered
    • Set the logout timer configurable from 1 to 12 hours the device will log out of the application if left open
      LightSpeed - LEVEL - Home page.jpgLightSpeed - LEVEL - Application Settings.jpg

Select a Branch and Printer

  • From the home screen, you can select a branch and printer
  • Switching branches will force and item refresh
  • LightSpeed - LEVEL - Current Branch.jpgLightSpeed - LEVEL - Branches.jpgLightSpeed - LEVEL - Printers.jpg

3 Refresh Items and Images

  • From the home page, tap on the Refresh Items tile
  • Select Refresh All Items or Refresh All Images from the home page to get latest item and image updates from the database
    LightSpeed - LEVEL - Refresh Items and Images.jpg

4 Inventory 

  • From the home screen, tap on the Inventory tile 
  • Start a new Full or Partial Inventory
  • Continue a saved inventory
  • Note - a full inventory should be used only when counting all items in a warehouse. When committed, a full inventory will zero out any items not counted. 
    LightSpeed - LEVEL - Current Branch.jpgLightSpeed - LEVEL - Partial Inventory.jpg

5 Inventory (continued)

  • Search or scan items to add to an inventory
  • search for items by category or by vendor, add counted quantities by size
  • View inventory details for times counted
  • Tapping in the total size count or Add to the Count fields will enable the microphone to speak the quantities

6 Receiving 

  • Create a receipt or view the items on an open purchase order
  • Validate counts for the items on the purchase order
  • When validated and saved a save receipt will be displayed with the PO#
  • commit receipts and confirm pricing on the level website

7 Receiving cont

  • From the home screen, tap on the receiving tile
  • create a new or continue a saved receipt
  • add items and/or validate items counts received 
  • receipts are committed and pricing is confirmed on the level website 
  • tapping in the received quantity field will enable the microphone to speak the quantities 

8 Vendor Returns 

  • From the home screen, tap on Vendor Returns tile
  • create a new return or from a recent receipt
  • add items and validate them
  • commit vendor returns on the level website
  • tapping in the vendor return quantity field will enable the microphone to speak the quantities 

9 Transfers

  • From the home screen, tap on the transfers tile
  • create an outgoing transfer or receive an incoming transfer
  • select items, seizes, and quantities
  • validate item quantities and save
  • Transfer can be committed on the device or on the level website
  • tapping in the transfer quantity field will enable the microphone to speak the quantities 

10 Link Barcodes

  • From the home page, tap on the link barcodes tile
  • first select an item and a size, scan or type to enter a barcode then tap on link barcode to item

11 Add Edit images

  • from the home screen tap on the add/edit images tile
  • select an item, use the camera to take a picture, save it
  • after saving the image, you can see it on the level web item screen.