This article will help you understand how the disbursements work and how they are submitted.
Explanation of Heartland EFT reports
To view a Heartland EFT Payment Report, click:
- Reports
- Heartland EFT Payments
Date Range – This report runs weekly in a Thursday through Wednesday format using the Eastern Time Zone. The previous or following week may need to be run based on time differences.
Sales – This is the total dollar value of all credit card sales on all machines for the specified week. The sales shown in the EFT report are a day ahead from the actual sales on the device due to processing times. In the above example, the sales shown from 11/7/2019 – 11/13/2019 are actual sales from 11/6/2019 – 11/12/2019 on the sales reports.
Credit Card Fees – These fees are a percentage of your sales. You agreed on this percentage when the account was initially set up.
Service Fees – This is a $18.92 monthly fee. It covers the use of AirVend reporting, website, data and support. In the example above, the fees were deducted in the week period 11/28/2019 through 12/4/2019.
Amount – If this amount is more than $25, it will be deposited. If it is less than $25, it will be held until the total is above $25 and then it will be deposited.
Start/End Date – You can run the EFT payment for any time period. This will show all of your EFT payments during the specified time period. It will also display your Credit Card Fees and Service Fees for same period.
Parenthesis ( ) – This indicates a negative number. In this situation there is a negative balance because the fees were more than the deposit. There will not be any EFT deposit until the total balance is more than $25.
- Totals – This field will sum the totals for the requested time periods listed in the report for Sales, Credit Card Fees and Service Fees.
Explanation of a single EFT report
Click on a date range. Each individual EFT payment will display the same information for each machine for the specified period. This is a good place to confirm what machines are active and check that you are not paying fees for inactive machines.