
Avanti - AMS Payroll Deductions

AMS Payroll Deduction  


Getting Started – Initiating Access
Portal Login Information
Activating the Payroll Deduction Feature for Employees
Kiosk User Experience
Payroll Deduction Employee Authorization Form
Invoicing Your Clients
Running Payroll Deduct Reports


Payroll deduction is a great way to increase sales at existing market locations and at the same time offers an alternative payment option to your customers.  Once the payroll deduction feature has been turned on at a market location the client HR manager can turn this feature on for their employees using the web portal after they have completed and signed the payroll deduction authorization form.   

This non-integrated Payroll Deduction feature will allow both you and your client the ability to run the employee recharge report that will coincide with their payroll schedule.  You would then invoice your client for the recharge amounts for the specified timeframe, and the client will deduct the amount recharged from each employee’s paycheck that used the payroll deduction feature. 

Getting Started – Initiating Access 

Prior to turning this feature on you will need to do the following: 

  1. Contact Avanti Support to let them know your go “live” date and include the completed Access Form Payroll Deduct Request (sample on next page).

    1. or 844.MY.KIOSK 

  2. Support will then setup Admin Access for to the users identified on the Access Form Payroll Deduct Request.  This access will be for both you and your client (i.e., Human Resources) to access the Payroll Deduct administrator portal.

    1. If your client (i.e., Human Resources, etc.) already has a or account setup, please identify that on the Access Form. 

    2. If your client (i.e., Human Resources, etc.) does not have an account setup the quickest way to get them access is to have them choose “enable web access” at the physical kiosk in their break room.  Then they will receive their login access email to web portal.  *If the client is not physically located at the office location where the market is then Avanti Support can issue them a login remotely.   

    3. Request a webinar with Avanti Support.  This webinar will only take 15 – 30 minutes to help show customers how to enable employee payroll deduct features through the web portal, walk them through the reports, and help answer any other questions prior to this feature being turned on.   

Portal Login Information 

Go to 

Login to Account 

Select the Payroll Tab to access all Administrator Tools for Payroll Deduct Features. 


Activating the Payroll Deduction Feature for Employees 

Follow Portal Login Information and login to your account. 

Select Payroll > Select Market Users 

Check the box at the top that says “Show Non Deduct Users”   blobid4.png

To activate the employees Payroll Deduct option you can use the search field to find their market card account.  Then check the far-right box to turn on the feature (you may need to scroll to the right to view the box to check) 


Account is Turned “ON”                           Account is Turned “OFF” 

  blobid7.png                                             blobid6.png

 Item Descriptions: 

  • First Name, Last Name – Employee’s Information 
  • Scancode – Employee’s Market Card Number 
  • Email – Employee’s email address associated to their market card account. 
  • Employee Id – Optional Id feature to input for running reports.  Option to add the employee’s company identification number for reconciliation of reports and removing payroll deductions.  This field is not mandatory.  
  • Payroll Pin # - Each employee will need to be setup with a 4 digit pin code since this security pin is required to be entered at the kiosk when the market card is being recharged using the payroll deduct feature.  It is recommended that the client (i.e., Human Resources, etc.) set this up with the employee.   The client, for the employee, can change this number at any time if the employee feels the need to change the pin #.  

Kiosk User Experience 

Scan Market Card at Kiosk 

Kiosk will display who you are and your current value on your market card.  If you have Payroll Deduct turned on, then you will see an “Add With PayRoll” option.  

 Select the Add With PayRoll 

Enter 4-digit Security Pin #  blobid11.png

Select the Recharge Amount  blobid12.png

Your Reload will be complete and you can select the option for a receipt.   blobid13.png

 Payroll Deduction Employee Authorization Form 

Your client may choose to use an authorization form of their own, but we have an authorization form (labeled “Authorization for Voluntary Payroll Deductions”) that they can use in the event they do not have one.  It is not Avanti Markets corporate responsibility to ensure that this form meets each states laws/regulations for payroll deduction to occur at a company.  Therefore, it is important that you let the employer determine if this form meets their expectations or is modified by them for it to withstand their requirements.   

Turning on the payroll deduct feature is an agreement between the employer and employee, so it is best to have the client (i.e., Human Resources, etc.) enable/disable payroll deduct features for users using their administrative access through the web portal.  

 Invoicing Your Clients 

This is a non-integrated payroll deduct feature so you will want to work with your client to see if you need to reconcile on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly billing cycle.  Your Human Resource client will have access to the Payroll deduct reports, so they have the ability to run the reports when they need to complete and submit their employee’s payroll.  The Payroll Deduct reports can be run for any timeframe you choose.   

Running Payroll Deduct Reports 

Follow Portal Login Information and login to your account. 

Select Payroll > Payroll Deduction Report 

Reports can be ran for whatever time frame the client would prefer.  See sample of options below: blobid15.png

Once the date preference has been determined the client can choose to either Export or Generate Report.   

  • Export – it will export into a download format, which will open into Excel. 
  • Generate Report – it will only generate the report in the window screen below the field selections.  This will allow you to click on a field (i.e., First Name) to sort by that field, but it will not download unless you select Export.