
Avanti - How Avanti Handles Customer Refunds


This document describes the physical security measures implemented at Avanti Market headquarters, where Avanti Markets deploys the Payeezy system for customer credit card refunds.


Locked Door Policy

Avanti Markets corporate headquarters is ALWAYS locked. Only Avanti employees have a key to access the office. All visitors must ring a doorbell before entering, and be escorted by an Avanti employee. If the visitor is NOT recognized, the Avanti employees request some form of identification (for example, an ID badge or business card).

Upon entry to Avanti Market offices, all visitors must sign a log book located in the lobby of the office.


Payeezy Credit Card Refund Process

Avanti Markets needs to periodically issue consumers credit card refunds to their accounts used for completing purchases in the market. Avanti Markets uses the First Data GGE4 Payeezy Web portal to perform consumer refunds. These refunds can only be issued by designated Avanti personnel that have completed the proper annual security training, and refunds can only be performed in the designated secure room, using the designated, password-protected workstation.

Avanti Markets has a designated, locked room and workstation located in its corporate headquarters that includes a PC, which is segregated from the rest of the Avanti Markets network. This workstation is ALWAYS locked with a password, and only designated personnel can access this locked, secure room. This workstation is managed by Avanti Markets’ MSP third-party provider, Attunix.


Refund Policy Workflow

Avanti employees the following Payeezy refund workflow:

  1. A consumer can call, email, or complete a form that is directed to our Avanti Markets Hotline, which then goes directly to our consumer support
  2. If the customer needs a credit issued back to their credit card or debit card, the following process occurs:
    1. The consumer support agent informs the consumer to hold while they forward their call to a phone in the secure room and
    2. The consumer support agent enters the secured room, closes the locked door behind them, and answers the
  • The consumer support agent logs into the Payeezy portal, issues the consumer a credit back to their account, and then sends an e-mail receipt to the consumer also sending a copy to themself.
  1. The process is
  2. The consumer support agent logs out of the Payeezy workstation, locks the workstation, and upon leaving, ensures that the secure room is also


Backup Refund Workflow

The process would be the same for authorized backup personnel in the event our consumer support agent was out of the office, was out sick, or on vacation. However, if all authorized team members were out of the office at the same time, Avanti personnel would record a consumer’s name and phone number ONLY for our designated team members to follow-up with the consumer, upon return. Avanti does NOT allow any sensitive information be recorded or stored, at any time.