Sometimes market users find discrepancies with their market card account balances. Typically, these discrepancies occur when reloading or recharging market card accounts. Discrepancies can also happen when a purchase is made, and an error occurs. Whether the product was scanned more than once, the quality of the product is questionable, pricing error, etc.
Reloads can be done directly at the kiosk using cash, credit card or debit card. Reloads may also be performed by logging into, our dedicated market user web portal. The web portal requires a user-created username and password. Reloads may also be performed via the Avanti Markets mobile app, which is linked to the market user's account. Despite the method used to reload or recharge, it can take up to 24 hours for the balance to update.
When a market user discovers a market card account balance discrepancy, they should reach out to their local service provider (local vending operator), who maintains and manages the market location. Typically, the service provider's contact information can be found on or near the kiosk. If it is not there, we recommend connecting with HR or the department at the facility that oversees the market to find out. Visit our website,, for more information or submit a ticket.