
Avanti - Location Bulk Product Import

Navigate to the master Product List page.


Select the Bulk Update button.


Here is where you’ll see the new feature: “Import Bulk Changes”.  Click the text to continue.


If you do not have the template downloaded, click the link on the right to get the spreadsheet. Once you have your information in the sheet, you can upload the document.


Here's a quick rundown of how to use the spreadsheet template:

        1. Create desired product in the master product list
        2. Extend it to all relevant locations
        3. Go to the Bulk Update Tool
        4. Download the Import Template
        5. Scroll to the desired product entry
        6. Make adjustments to all products needed
        7. Save the Excel file
        8. Upload the updated file
        9. Scroll down to make sure changes are green
        10. Apply

Select locations that you want to receive changes.


Review the changes before finalizing. Make sure these are the changes you want made, as this tool can update every one of your markets simultaneously.



Note: the message in red states there are 10 products with problems that need to be corrected.  Go to the top of the page and select the “show products with errors” to display the identified problematic products.

In this case, product min par levels are higher than the max.  These need to be corrected. 


Sometimes the error column will not be visible by default. If you cannot see the errors, scroll the table to the right.

Once errors are identified, you will need to update the spreadsheet and reupload.  You will see that the corrections were made below and the “apply changes” button is now highlighted.


Click the apply changes button and you will be presented with this message. 


And one more confirmation.
