
Avanti - Cradlepoint Program - Modem as a Service


FAQS and Other Terms & Conditions

Wireless as a Service from Avanti Markets

 The following FAQs should answer general inquiries about the program. If you need additional information, please contact your Avanti Markets Account Manager.

Do I have to participate in this program?

  • No, this is not a mandatory program. Avanti operators can source their wireless modems from any manufacturer or supplier. However, Avanti Markets has developed this program with the most competitive pricing, latest technology and best warranty for wireless modems to support your micro market business. We are also providing this service with anticipation of the end of support for 3G wireless
  • If you do not participate in the new wireless program, any existing modems will continue under their current plan. Note, the weekly rate for existing modem data rates will increase to $6.95/week as of September 1, 2018.
  • Avanti Markets will begin its End of Support for 3G services as of July 1, 2019 and 4G services not under this program as of December 31,

What is my base cost per week?

  • This pricing includes the equipment package, 1GB of data per location and a perpetual warranty on the equipment for as long as you participate in the program.
    • As an existing 3G customer, your upgrade to the 4G program will be

$8.95 per week per modem package.

  • As an existing 4G customer, you can trade in your existing equipment and receive promotional pricing for existing locations at $6.95 per week per This pricing will be applied to existing locations for as long as you participate in the program.
  • New orders will be charged at $8.95 per week per modem



Is there a contractual agreement when ordering a device?

  • Modems purchased under this program will be obligated to a minimum of a two- year commitment. By ordering the wireless modem package from Avanti Markets, you are agreeing to the two year term of the subscription. The program will be renewed automatically at the published rate at the time of renewal. If you choose not to renew, all equipment must be returned to Avanti Markets. Any damage or missing parts, other than normal wear and tear on the equipment, may result in a full replacement equipment
  • Early termination will be charged at $150 per device and require the return of the equipment to Avanti Markets. Any damage or missing parts, other than normal wear and tear on the equipment, may result in a full replacement equipment


How will this new subscription be billed?

  • There is no change to the current process and how the fees will be New subscriptions will appear in a separate section of the Op Fee report under “Misc. Fee 2”.

How much data am I allotted per device?

  • 1GB data per month per Overages will be charged at $14.95 per GB.
  • If you have more than one modem in your organization on this program, your data will be pooled. Example: 6 modems = 6GB for your organization across all modem usage. As long as your total data usage remains under 6GB, you will not be charged for overages on an individual Overages will be charged at $14.95 per GB.
  • Service can be suspended by Avanti Markets if it is deemed that the use is in violation of normal business usage to communicate to the Avanti Markets network.

Can I stream video footage?

  • You can still stream video footage under this new Any streaming usage will be applied against your data plan.



Can I use this wireless device on another platform or for another use?

  • This service is for exclusive use in Avanti Market locations to provide connectivity to the Avanti Markets network and within the United
  • If a device is determined to be used outside of an Avanti Market or for any other use, it will be deactivated and must be returned to Avanti Markets and will be subject to termination or other applicable
  • If it is determined that the devices are being used outside of normal communication to and from the AMS system, the service is subject to termination and any data overages that may have been

Can I add my existing modem to this program?

  • No, this program does not apply to existing modems and/or These rates only apply to new modems delivered under this program.

Do I own the device if I participate in this program?

  • This program is not a purchase program but a wireless service program that includes equipment and data service. Avanti Markets retains ownership of the

Can I temporarily suspend service?

  • Because of the low pricing of this program, service cannot be temporarily suspended by the operator. However, the equipment and service can be transferred to a new location with prior notification in writing to Avanti Markets.

What is the perpetual warranty on the equipment?

  • The equipment provided under this program will be fully warrantied for full replacement--with the exception of loss, theft or damage other than normal wear and tear-- for as long as you participate in the subscription
  • The Avanti Markets' RMA process will not If there are issues with the modem, please contact Technical Support begin the process

If you have any additional questions, please contact your Account Manager.