
Avanti - SimpliGet Backend Setup

There are many steps in setting up your SimpliGet solution. Follow this guide for a high-level overview on this process. However, if you have any issues along the way, don't hesitate to reach out to your account manager for help.

SimpliGet Hardware

Current Hardware available today

Star Printer – This is the same thermal printer Avanti Markets has used in the micro market kiosks since inception.

Current Lockers - Two formats

12 smaller cubbies

4 larger cubbies on the bottom of the unit

A single Lockers tower can be daisy chained to other Lockers

UV sanitizing process automatically runs after each order is picked up by the consumer

    mceclip0.png           mceclip1.png     

Future Equipment

We are looking at stand-alone cloud printer solutions that are not require to be connected to a PC

Other possible locker configurations may be offered in the future

SimpliGet Remote Ordering

A seamless way to bring your kitchen & commissary offerings right to your consumers

Integrated with AMS

Control menus and daily offerings from your menu site




AMS and Kitchen Location Creation

Create your Kitchen as you would any other micro market

Add your market locations in AMS

Add and extend your products to the Kitchen market location

Create your tax rate and map to the market location


Ready made fresh food products may be taxed differently.




Location Creation – Product Category Creation

Use Product Categories to manage inventory

Separating your remote order / locker products into their own category is a critical step in setting up your SimpliGet for success.

Go to the admin tab and select Organization Lookups


Click on Category


Click the New Button

Enter the Category Name and click create


Product Creation and Taxes

Next steps

Name your Product Category with something easy to identify. Examples:

Remote Orders

Lockers Food

Food Delivery

Map the tax and deposit categories

Extend your products to the Remote Kitchen location



Set up Remote Order Market Location

Remote Order Market location’s main purpose is a designated delivery location. 

You will need to create a location in AMS for each Locker or Pick up counter.

Ensure the market location address is correct.

Remote order locations that use Lockers will need the hardware deployed to the market location which is similar to deploying a kiosk.

The market location will need tax and deposits mapped properly.


Products are NOT extended to the Remote Order Market locations in AMS. Products need to be added to the Kitchen Market location in AMS and managed through the manage site.




Set up Kitchen Location

The Remote Ordering Kitchen’s purpose is to propagate products to the manage site and send orders to the food production kitchen.

All products added to the Kitchen location in AMS will propagate to the Manage site allowing custom menus to be built for your remote delivery market locations.

Kitchen printer is deployed to the AMS kitchen the same as a market kiosk.




Manage Site – Getting Started

Once you have logged into the manage site you will be presented with a drop-down menu

Products – Allows you to add custom images

Menus – Able to create menus and extend to specified remote order locations

Orders – Kitchen production orders are received

Kitchens – Kitchens where orders are received. Operators can have multiple kitchens setup in the manage site/AMS

Delivery Locations – Includes delivery address, specifies number of Lockers, or pick up window



Products Manage Site

Products that were added to the AMS kitchen will propagate into the manage site

Select the product category to access products

Image from Gyazo

Upload your high-quality image to each product

Image Requirements can be up to 100kb in size and they should be square to render properly



Build Menus in the SimpliGet Manage Site

Click the New Menu Button to create a new menu

Name your menu

Associate the menu with the appropriate kitchen

Select the products that you want to include in your menu

Image from Gyazo

You can manage multiple menus and edit them when needed

A menu can be used at single or multiple Remote order locations

Image from Gyazo

Create your order cutoff times for each menu you have created

Create your delivery times you offer to each customer location

You can create a single or multiple delivery times for each menu

You can also select ASAP which is a great option for onsite kitchens with pick up window

Kitchen Orders Manage Site

All Consumer Remote Orders will be sent to the Kitchen

Each order received will generate a printed order receipt

All active and future orders can be tracked in the orders queue

Future queue displays orders more than 2 hours in the future


The product, location, and location number will be included with each order

Locker’s cubby size may be changed for larger orders/products

Orders can be marked as done 

Cancel button frees the cubby, messages the customer that the order cannot be fulfilled, and issues a credit to their market card account

Kitchen Manage Site

You can create a new kitchen from the manage site and associate it with an AMS Remote Order location.

This is very helpful if you are managing multiple kitchens and need to associate a location to the nearest kitchen.

Image from Gyazo

To enable or disable delivery locations from a specific kitchen, right click the kitchen entry and select "Delivery Locations" from the menu.

Image from Gyazo

Delivery Locations Manage Site

Manage your remote delivery locations

If Lockers are deployed at a remote order location, you can see how many locker banks are associated with them.

The number of cubby doors are visible for each Lockers bank.

Image from Gyazo

You can view the status of each Lockers cubby by clicking spyglass icon to the right of the locker entry.

Image from Gyazo

Reserved status indicates that there is an order to be placed in that cubby.

The operator can enable or disable a cubby door.

The operator may want to disable a cubby for maintenance purposes.  


To add a locker bank to an existing delivery location (if you are, for example, expanding capacity at a location), right click the existing location and select "New Locker Bank"

Image from Gyazo

As of right now, you cannot delete a locker bank manually. You must work through Avanti support for this since it has potential business-impacting implications.