
Avanti - SNG Inventory / Quantity on Hand (in AMS)
  1. Manual inventory is done to set the baseline in AMS. The same is true for in micro markets
    1. This is the most important step.
    2. At any time if inventory is off, a rebaseline is mandatory for the column
  2. Picklists are created and then sent to be fulfilled
  3. Physical fulfillment and the system (automatically via AMS) inventory are completed
  4. Where SNG differs from micro markets, is in the reconciliation of inventory counts/Quantity on Hand
    1. SNG reports what is in the picklist
    2. SNG reports deviation from the picklist and not the AMS current inventory
    3. SNG adds the completed picklist quantity to the QOH in AMS correctly, if and only if the baseline inventory was correct
    4. Inventory is complete and accurate in AMS at this time
  5. Example 1
    1. Manual inventory is done correctly the first time.
    2. QOH in AMS is 8 and par level is 10
    3. Driver, from the pick list, adds the pick list quantity (in this case 2)
    4. Inventory in AMS is now 10
  6. Example 2
    1. Manual inventory is done correctly the first time.
    2. QOH in AMS is 8 and par level is 10
    3. Driver arrives and finds 6 in the column due to no new sales (E.g., theft).
    4. This would have occurred between the time the pick list was generated and market service
      1. Driver, from the pick list, adds the pick list quantity (in this case they only brought 2)
    5. Inventory in AMS is now 10 – which is incorrect
    6. At this point, the inventory, for this column only, must be rebaselined to 8

When in doubt, rebaseline the inventory for the column

PLEASE NOTE: Inventory adjustments for SNG markets cannot be done directly in AMS and must be done through the INV site. Detailed directions on this process can be found at Avanti - Managing Inventory at the Market