
Lightspeed Connect - My Groups and Lightspeed PUSH

What is Lightspeed PUSH?

Lightspeed PUSH, short for "Push To Market," allows operators to push certain orders directly to the kiosk or market.  This means the products don’t have to be scanned at the kiosk or market. Since the products were already picked with Lightspeed, we know what to push!

This is a great time saver for drivers. Only certain providers can receive this information from Lightspeed, so an operator will need to talk to their support representative to see if PUSH will work for their situation.

When a PUSH client orders from your Connect site, they can obtain order information, which allows them to push their order on your site to market. There is some setup involved on your customer’s part, and they will export a report from your Connect and upload that report into their Lightspeed. The client will need to know their Providers and Routes to perform this activity.

The process for this is detailed below.


Before PUSH Setup

Provider Routes



The first step in setting up this process is for your customer to navigate to the “My Groups” section of your Connect site. Click on the “My Provider Routes” tab at the top of the screen.

In the top dropdown, they will see their Customer (company) name. If they order for more than one Customer, they can select the customer here.

Once the Customer has been selected, you will see a list of Providers that the customer uses. In this case, ABC Conglomerate has no provider input yet.

To create a provider under this Customer, while the customer is selected, click the “New” button. A window will open where the provider's name can be added. Click “Save.”



The provider will now appear in the table.

To edit the provider or make it inactive, select the row with the provider. It will highlight. Click the “Edit” button. A window will open to allow for editing. Click “Update” to save any changes.



When a provider is selected in the Manage Providers table, a second panel opens on the screen, listing the routes serviced with that provider.



To add a route to this provider, click the “New” button in the “Manage Route” panel. In the window that opens, type the route name exactly as it appears in the provider and Lightspeed, then press “Save.”



To edit the route, click the field you wish to edit. Press enter or click out of the field to save your change.

Checking the select checkbox will pull up all the markets associated with this route.



The data here is view only. The next steps will teach you how to edit this data. 


My Groups

Once a provider and associated routes have been added to the “My Provider Routes” section, it’s time to link the systems. This will let PUSH know how to route the orders from your site to their kiosk.



In the My Locations panel, select the Customer (company) and the locations for that customer will appear in the table. This table is not editable as these are locations from your Connect: they will only change if they are modified through the Customer/Location/Order group hierarchy.

Select a location, and a panel will open on the right.



This panel contains all the order groups that belong to the selected location. It is also where the linking happens. Clicking on the blue “I” gives specific instructions on how to perform this action.

For the 

Here you can see any order groups for the selected location, so long as you have ordering rights to them. To identify an order group, you have the option to click in the External ID field or a group to add an external ID, such as a market ID, machine ID, etc.

If you or someone in your company has created providers and provider routes, you may wish to link your ordergroups to a provider route. Select the provider, then the route you wish to link from the dropdown at the top of the Groups panel. For each order group that you would like to link to this route, check the box beside it. Now click the Add selected groups button. 

If you would like to delete routes from order groups, simply check all of the groups you would like to remove and hit the "Delete Selected Groups" button. if you are merely reassigning an ordergroup to a new route, it is not necessary to delete the old route. 



Now that setup is complete, it's time to pull the report that will be uploaded into the customer’s Lightspeed to PUSH to Market. The customer will navigate to the Reports area of the site and click on “Order Item Report.” They will need to adjust their filtering criteria. Since they will be pushing to market on a specific day, they will set the From and To Packout Dates to the same day.



Click the “LS Push To Market Export” button to generate the report on the right side of the screen. The report will then need to be exported and uploaded into Lightspeed. This report is formatted exactly to upload. If you wish to generate this report with additional details such as pricing, click the “Full Report” button.



Have one main point of contact to pull the Push Report: they should be a customer and an Area Admin for the best access to this information.

When the LS Push To Market Export report is pulled, note that the column “Order Date” refers to Packout Date. The “Market Id” refers to the External Id that was input on the My Groups page.

The data input in the provider / Route / External Id areas must match the provider data precisely.


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