What are Connect User Roles?
A user role is a collection of privileges, permissions, and levels of access. By assigning a user to a role, that individual is given the permissions they need to interact with Connect, and prevents them from having access that they should not. Users can be assigned more than one role.
- Admin - This role will give the user ability to add, remove, and edit products, users, prices, etc. This will allow the user to edit other users’ orders, product & location pricing, menus & scheduling, as well as locations themselves. Use caution assigning Admin role – This role is designed to do everything and should only be given to a small number of users.
- Area Admin - This role allows the user to see and edit orders placed by other users. This applies only to the order groups that this user is assigned to. This user may also access reporting data related to these orders.
- Customer Admin - Thi role will grant the user rights to all order groups/locations for the user’s company. If the user is assigned to more than one company, rights will be granted to all groups/locations for each company. Newly created order groups will automatically assign to this user. At least one group needs to be assigned to know what company the user belongs to. Combine this role with the Area Admin role to allow the user to see/edit other users' orders from their company. Unchecking this role will NOT remove rights to any Order Groups. You will need to manually remove those rights.
- Suppress Email If this role is added to a user, this user will NOT receive an emailed invoice upon placing an order in Connect. If you enter fake email addresses, please be sure to check this role to prevent blacklisting of your sending email account.
- Hide Price If this role is added to a non-admin user, this user will NOT be able to see any pricing in the application. This includes ordering, reports, and emails.
User Management
Creating New Users
Navigate to the Users section of the Connect site. On the left side of the screen, you will see a list of users.
Press the Create button and a panel will open on the right side of the screen. Fill in the user’s information on this screen.
Note that the username text field must be filled by an email address. If you do not wish to use real email addresses for this purpose, fake ones can be used instead. Whether real or fake, this field must be unique - the same email address cannot be used for more than one user account.
Click “Add User" to save the information.
Uploading New Users
New users may also be added via an Excel upload by Admin users. The upload functionality is located at the top of the left panel on the Users page.
The upload cannot be used for editing users: editing should be performed on the Connect site. Roles must be added via the Connect site.
Editing Existing Users
In the User panel, click on the user you wish to edit. The row will highlight, then click the edit button in the upper left corner. An edit panel will open on the right side of the screen. Make any changes to the user and then click “Save."
Active/Deactive User Status
Deactivating a user is done to end that user's access to Connect without removing any of their data from your records. Deactivated users can also be reactivated.
Deactivate a User
Navigate to the edit panel of the user you would like to deactivate. Here, you will see a checkbox labeled "Active Flag." Unchecking the Active Flag and selecting the Save button will deactivate the user.
List of Deactivated Users
To see the list of all deactivated users, navigate to the Users panel and uncheck the “Active Users” checkbox. The deactivated users will now be listed.
Be sure to check the “Active Users” checkbox at the top of the page when you would like to see the list of active users again.
Reactivate a User
After finding the deactivated user in the list of deactivated users, navigate to the edit panel of the user you would like to reactivate. Check the “Active Flag” checkbox. Click “Save”.
Assigning Order Groups
What is an Order Group?
An order group is the location where your product is being delivered. How specific this is, depends on your own data hierarchy. Typically, it may be a location within a building, perhaps a market or a floor etc.
For a user to place an order, they must first be assigned an order group. This allows you to know where the product is going - for every location your product will go, there should be an order group. In order to allow only specific users permission to order for specific places, you will need to assign order groups to the user(s) that should be ordering there.
How to Assign Order Groups
To assign order groups to users, you must first navigate to the Users screen.
Click on the user you wish to assign a group to. That user’s row will display a blue highlight, and you will see a group management panel open on the right.
Select the customer that the user will be ordering from in the first drop-down box.
Now select the location (or possibly a route, depending on your data structure) the customer will be ordering from in the second drop-down box.
A list of order groups will populate. Please check the boxes beside each order group you wish to allow the user to order for. It is very important that you then click the blue “Save Location” button to save your changes.
If you wish to save groups at additional locations, select the next location from the Locations dropdown and repeat the above process.
Shortcut for Assigning Order Groups for Master Users
If you are assigning order groups to a user who is a customer-wide user, you can assign all of the order groups that belong to that customer. This is done by selecting the customer in the Customer Dropdown and then clicking the “Add ALL cust. Groups” button at the top right of the group management panel. This will give rights to ALL order groups for ALL locations that belong to that customer.
Note that this only assigns the groups that currently exist for that Customer. If you wish for this person to receive all newly created locations/groups for this Customer, you must be sure to visit the Users page and assign the Customer Admin role to this user.
Other Lightspeed Connect Articles
- Lightspeed Connect - Preparation Table and Table Sheets
- Lightspeed Connect - Product Management
- Lightspeed Connect - Packout Areas
- Lightspeed Connect - Customer, Location, and Order Group Hierarchy
- Lightspeed Connect - Pricing by Location
- Lightspeed Connect - Menu Creation, Scheduling, and Location
- Lightspeed Connect - User Roles, Management, and Order Groups
- Lightspeed Connect - Order Management
- Lightspeed Connect - Reporting
- Lightspeed Connect - My Groups and Lightspeed Push