Key Terms
- Lightspeed LEVEL - an advanced inventory management solution for business owners looking to control their largest expense, Cost of Goods Sold (COGS).
- Quantity on Hand - The Product Life Cycle starts with knowing exactly what is in the building. Users will be able to know what their quantity on hand is for an item at any time.
- Purchasing - Level will allow you to have a view into what is on order and what needs to be ordered by when to keep the inventory levels you need to satisfy your vending and market orders.
- Receiving - Level allows the operator to view and know what is being received, it is a two-step process to receive product.
- Validating –Warehouse personnel will receive, count, and validate the delivered qty. of items into inventory via the handheld device. **Once validated on a handheld device, the items are in inventory and available to be picked.
- Committing – Accounting confirms pricing and commits the validated receipts on the Level website. Once committed, a receipt cannot be changed.
**It is important for the user to accurately count and validate all items at the time of receipt to ensure inventory accuracy.
- Inventory - There are two options for taking physical inventories.
- Partial Inventory – Used to count specific items at a time. Useful for cycle counting.
**IMPORTANT - Multiple partial inventory counts can occur simultaneously. - Full Inventory - Used to count the entire warehouse.
** IMPORTANT - Only one full inventory can be done at a time. Multiple people can join and update the full inventory. If items are not included in a count that has been committed, they are assumed to have zero qty on hand.
- Partial Inventory – Used to count specific items at a time. Useful for cycle counting.
** All Transactions (Receipts, Transfers, Vendor Returns, Inventory) can be created on either the handheld devices or the website.
** Only Transfers can be committed on the handheld device after all the items have been validated (counted). All transactions can be committed on the website.
Purchase Orders
Creating a new Purchase Order
Purchase orders can only be created on the Level website.
- From the Transactions dropdown menu, select Purchase Orders
- Select a Vendor from the dropdown, then select your Order By and Expected Receipt dates
- Click on Create Order. Please note that Order By Date and Expected Receipt Date will populate from the set vendor schedule, if one has been entered. The Orders for Today panel on the dashboard is set on the Vendors screen in the schedule section, order by and deliver by.
- To add items to a purchase order, click on the New Item button in the upper left of the ordering grid. A pop-up panel will be displayed, and the vendor you selected for the PO will be populated.
- You can select a single item from a vendor, or all the items linked to that vendor. Users can select the All Items button, which will bring up all the active items in the branch to choose from. This can be useful when an existing item is new for the vendor, and you want to add it to a purchase order.
- After selecting an item and a size, click on Add This Item. The item will populate in the ordering grid with the following headers:
- Item: Item description
- Product Code: Product code of the item.
- Item Size: Ordered size.
- Size Units: Number of units for the ordered size.
- Quantity: Quantity of the ordered size (this field is editable).
- Qty To Full: Quantity of the ordered size to meet the Fill To amount.
- Total Units: Ordered amount broken down into number of units.
- Units on Hand: Total units on hand (at current branch).
- Est Days on Hand: Estimated days of supply on hand based on 30 day trend for items that have left the warehouse (at current branch).
- Units on Order: Quantity of units on ALL open orders (at current branch).
- Est Days on Order: Estimated days of item on order based on 30 day trend (at current branch).
- Fill to Units: The par value in units (set at current branch).
- Units to Full: Number of units to reach par (fill to at current branch).
- Expected Unit Cost: Expected cost per unit.
- Expected Size Cost: Expected cost of ordered size.
- Expected Ext Cost: Expected unit cost multiplied by total units ordered.
Using the toolbar above the PO ordering grid
- Email Vendor - allows the user to email the PO directly to a vendor from LEVEL. This information is gathered during the initial client data prep. Visible only after entering the SMTP information for emailing has been set up in the configuration, and the ordering email information on the vendor's screen is entered and order via email has been selected.
- Print Order - prints the purchase order. This version of the PO will show only order sizes, and will not show delivery size conversions. See the vendor order for this information.
- Vendor Order - this is what the vendor will see when viewing the purchase order, items, sizes, unit and total cost is included. Cost can optionally be turned off by calling support. If your order size is different from the delivery size, the vendor order will show the conversion to the delivery size.
- Delete 0 Qty - this is used to remove items with a zero order quantity or after the user has selected the Qty to Fill button, selecting this will remove any items which have a zero order quantity. Useful if you have a purchase order template with a lot of items and only want to order a few of them.
- Qty to Fill - this is used for items that have the “Fill To” quantities set on the Areas (warehouses) screen set. When selected during purchase order creation, it will determine the quantity of an item needed to reach the Fill to quantity set.
- Save as Template - this is used if you will be ordering the same items repeatedly from a vendor. (see the using PO templates info).
- Close - after you have completed creating the purchase order, click the Close button to save it. PO’s can be viewed on the Purchase Orders page on the right side in the “Edit Orders” panel. There, you can also edit a purchase order and see the Vendor Order.
- Delete - this is used to remove a purchase order, users with the Delete permission selected on the Users screen will be able to see this option.
Purchase Order Templates
The following steps will allow you to create a Purchase Order template for ordering.
- After adding items to a new purchase order, click on the Save as Template button in the toolbar above the grid.
- You will be prompted to give the template a name and save it. The saved template will be displayed in the center Create Order from Template panel of the Purchase Orders main screen. This saves the time it takes to create a purchase order for items ordered repeatedly from a vendor.
Purchase Order template items and quantities are adjustable and can be used to order all or some of the items you have added.
How to modify a PO template when placing an order
The purchase order template will allow you to delete line items, or change order quantities for items, without changing the template.
- Select Create Order from Template
- Modify the purchase order as needed, deleting or creating items as is required for this particular order.
- After clicking Save Changes in the lower right of the screen, click Close at the top of the grid. By saving this purchase order without clicking on Save as Template, the purchase order will be created without the deleted items, and the purchase order template will still have all the original items and quantities.
This example shows how to remove lines from a PO using the template without changing the original template.