
365Dining - ReadyTouch POS - Menu Logo and Background Image


This article will provide information and instructions for uploading/changing a menu logo and background image for the redesigned interface on ReadyTouch (ELO) point-of-sale devices.

The menu background is a banner image at the top of the screen as the consumer navigates the menu. The menu logo will appear as an overlap atop the menu background, in the center of the screen.


What if I Don’t Upload a Logo and Background?

If you don't upload a custom menu logo and background image, a default 365Dining logo and background will display.



Adding / Changing a Menu Background or Logo

  1. Log into ADM.

  2. Click the Menu tab, then select Self Service.

  3. Select the desired menu/location. 

  4. Click the Menu Image button to open the menu image interface.


  5. By default, the Upload New tab will display. Here, you can upload a background image or logo by clicking Choose File. Below are the recommended image settings for either a background image or logo:
    Background Image Logo
    • Aspect Ratio: 12.8:1 (width:height)
    • Dimensions: 1080px or 960px wide
      • If using 1080px, recommended dimensions are 1080 x 84
      • If using 960px, recommended dimensions are 960 x 75
    • File Format: png
    • Dimensions: 640 px wide

    Alternatively, you can click the Existing Background or Existing Logo tabs to change a logo/background image to a previously uploaded image.

  6. When the respective image has loaded, click Done. The menu image interface will close and bring you back to the Self Service Menu List screen.

  7. You can preview how your menu will look with the logo/background image by scrolling to the button and clicking the Preview button.