
PicoMarket - Troubleshooting Guide


The purpose of this article is to walk through various troubleshooting steps that you can complete for the PicoMarket device. 

The Pico device that gets mounted is the same whether it is used on PicoCooler, PicoCooler Breeze, or PicoMarket. However, each setup has slight differences in settings/features.

In a PicoMarket or PicoMarket+ setup, a Pico device gets mounted to a stand.




PicoMarket Troubleshooting

Provisioning or Update Issues While on a Cellular Connection

The initial provisioning and update processes require a high-speed and consistent Internet connection. A cellular connection may not always provide a stable enough connection to complete these processes.

  1. Connect to a secured WiFi network. If a WiFi connection is not available at the site, the Pico device may be taken off-site to complete these steps.

  2. Complete the provisioning and software update processes.

  3. Disconnect from the WiFi network and reconnect to the cellular network.

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, please contact 365 Support.


WiFi Connection Will Not Work

  1. Verify that you are trying to connect to a secure WiFi network, either the location's dedicated WiFi network or a NanoConnect.

    If you are using the location's dedicated WiFi, you will need to obtain the login credentials from the local IT department.
  2. Verify that the connection in the area the device is placed is strong. The signal strength is indicated by the upside-down, triangular shape in the upper right corner of the Pico.
  3. If you are using the location's WiFi network and are having issues with connectivity or signal strength, contact your local IT department.
    If you use a NanoConnect Kit, walk through standard NanoConnect troubleshooting to address the issue.


Pico Barcode Scanner Has No Red Light or Will Not Scan

If the barcode scanner is no longer emitting a red light OR it is no longer scanning, do the following:

  1. Restart the barcode scanner using the Driver Menu: see the Pico Driver Menu article for steps.


  2. Reboot the Pico device: see the Reboot Pico device from ADM section below for steps.

  3. If the barcode scanner does not regain functionality after restarting the barcode scanner from the Driver Menu OR rebooting the device, the Pico device may need to be RMAed. Contact 365 Support.


Pico Device is Frozen

If the Pico device is frozen, it can be rebooted one of two ways - from ADM or physically on-site.


Reboot Pico device from ADM

  1. Click on the desired location from the Location tab.

  2. Select the Pico device at the bottom of the Location Summary page.

  3. Click the Reboot Device button.


Unplug the Device and Plug It Back In

The PicoMarket should only have one power cable.

  1. While on-site, unplug the Pico's power cable and keep it unplugged for 30 seconds.

  2. Plug the cable back in.

  3. Verify that the Pico device turns back on and is functioning.


NFC, Magstripe, or Chip Reader Issues

If the issue is occurring for only ONE card, the consumer may need to contact the issuing bank. If the issue is occurring for ALL cards, do the following:

  1. Reboot the Pico device: see the Reboot Pico device from ADM section above for steps.

  2. If there are still issues after a reboot, go to Testing & Tools: see the Testing & Tools section of the Pico Driver Menu article for steps on accessing Testing & Tools.

  3. Tap Test Card Reader.

  4. You will then be prompted to test the Magstripe, chip, or NFC.

  5. If the card reader test fails, contact 365 Support.


SIM Card Will Not Work in Setup App

  1. Reboot the Pico device: see the Reboot Pico device from ADM section above for steps.

  2. Remove the Pico cover from the back of the PicoMarket. To do so, remove the silver screw using a Phillips head #2 screwdriver. Once the screw is removed, the cover should slide up and out.

  3. Verify that the SIM card is in Slot 1.
  4. Take the SIM card out, wait a full 30 seconds, then put the SIM card back in.

  5. Verify that the antenna has been secured to the port on the back of the stand and is on straight.
  6. Verify that the antenna is optimally placed.

  7. Verify that the Pico is recognizing the SIM card by navigating to Testing & Tools and select the Test Connectivity option: see the Testing & Tools section of the Pico Driver Menu article for steps on accessing Testing & Tools.

  8. Verify the sideways triangle in the upper, right corner of the Pico is showing for the cellular signal. Check to see cell strength. If the cellular strength is not strong enough, the Pico will not be able to function.
  9. If a cellular connection cannot be established, contact 365 Support.


Touchscreen Unresponsive

Should the Touchscreen be unresponsive, first attempt to reboot the Pico device and then follow these steps if the issue persists.

  1. Power-drain the Pico device by unplugging all cables and leaving it unplugged for 1 minute.

  2. Plug in only the Molex power cable.

  3. Once the device powers back on, test the touchscreen to see if it is again responsive.

  4. If the touchscreen is functional, plug in all remaining cables.



Heated Cabinets (Canteen Only)

  • Functions the same as a PicoCooler, just with a heated cabinet
  • Can be set to Controlled or Open
  • Uses a Minus40 Cooler
  • The Heated Cabinet setting should be selected in ADM