The Consumer subsidy functionality streamlines and automates the process of adding funds to consumers, allowing operators to take on additional business opportunities without adding large amounts of manual work.
This functionality is available both internationally as well as in the US. It can be used on all ADM-managed devices, including the V5 MicroMarket, NanoMarket, PicoMarket, PicoMarket+, PicoCooler, PicoCooler Breeze, 365Dining, and 365Pay.
The user interface displays multiple balances on all GMA devices and the mobile app. With multibalance, users will see separate balance tabs (if applicable) when they sign into their account on the device. The usual Account Balance will still be in place, but consumers can also have subsidy balances (top off or rollover). In future releases, more balance options will become available with the multibalance UI, such as eGift cards. As the new balance types are added in, the UI will turn into a tab format, with different sections for each balance type. The user should be able to tab between each balance type they have and see the associated balance listed out. The UI should highlight the selected balance and should have a green bar at the top of the selected balance section. The balance tabs will only show if applicable to the particular signed-in consumer. This gives a more customized and personal experience. This article will provide further information on the functionality of each balance type.
Kiosk Display
Mobile App Display
Flow of Funds
GMA subsidies allow operators to easily add funds to a consumer's subsidy balance on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The funds are not realized until they are spent. The operator can then use the EFT GMA Disbursement Report or the Subsidy Consumer Spend report to see how much was spent via subsidies. This will let them know how much to charge their client.
When subsidy funds are spent, you will see a negative amount and a positive amount for what was spent. You will then charge your client for the subsidy purchases to get your funds for the products. The subsidy purchase can be found in the EFT GMA Disbursement report under the Manual Adjustment tab at the bottom of the excel spreadsheet.
Below is an example of how it will appear in the EFT GMA Disbursement report:
If a consumer spends their subsidy funds at another operator's market, then you will simply see a negative amount for that purchase, indicating you are down that amount. Once you charge your client, you will get those funds back.
You can also use the Subsidy Consumer Spend report. This report is a much easier report to use to see how much is being spent per customer from their subsidy balances.
Balance Type Definitions
Account Balance
This is the consumer-funded balance of cash and credit. When consumers fund at the device with cash/credit or via mobile app, this is the balance that will be updated. We will show the Account Balance field at all times for all consumers on ALL devices they log into, including locations in and out of their Home Campus, as well as the mobile app. This balance can be adjusted independently of other balance types - see the Adjust Balance per Balance Type section. Please note that operators can only add funds, not remove them.
For subsidies to work, a subsidy group needs to be created, the subsidy balance and frequency need to be set, and a subsidy group must be applied to the desired consumer accounts. Subsidizing will occur based on the frequency set for the group. This balance can be adjusted independently of other balance types - see the Adjust Balance per Balance Type section. Please note that operators can only add funds, not remove them.
Once a Subsidy is applied to an account, a Subsidy balance tab will be shown to the specific consumer(s) on ALL devices they log into, including locations in and out of their Home Campus, as well as the mobile app.
A subsidy group can have one of two types of subsidies which will determine how the subsidy is calculated and applied - top off or rollover. This distinction will help Operators understand if the subsidy group they are creating will simply top off every period, or if the funds will rollover and be added on top of each other every period.
- Top Off: This will only subsidize the subsidy balance up to the amount set in ADM. For example, if the subsidy amount set in ADM is $20, and the consumer's subsidy balance is $5, then the system will subsidize $15 to top off their subsidy balance on their account back to the $20.
- Rollover: This will subsidize the full amount regardless of the consumer's subsidy balance. For example, if the subsidy amount set in ADM is $20, and the consumer's subsidy balance is $5, then the system will subsidize $20 and the consumer's subsidy balance rolls over on their account - so the consumer would then have $25.
See the ADM Settings section for steps on configuring subsidies for locations/consumers.
The subsidy balance can be used on all ADM-managed devices, including the V5 MicroMarket, NanoMarket, PicoMarket, PicoMarket+, PicoCooler, PicoCooler Breeze, 365Dining, and 365Pay.
From the consumer perspective, there will be no additional required action to use Subsidies on a device. The devices will function in a “Split Pay” manner, where the Subsidy balance will first be completely used, and then will automatically move onto the Account Balance. This means that both a Subsidy and Account Balance can be used on a single transaction for a consumer.
- For example, if a consumer goes to make a $5 purchase, the device will automatically pull from the Subsidy Balance, say using up all $2, and then will pull the remaining $3 due from the Account Balance. This will allow consumers to completely use up a Subsidy Balance so they do not have any remaining funds.
eGift Card
Please see the article ADM - Gift Cards for more information.
ADM Settings
This section will go over the ADM settings that need to be in place/can be adjusted for each available balance type. At this time, only subsidies are available. See below for specific configuration steps and details.
Subsidy Settings
Operators can set up subsidies, manage the subsidy group for consumers, remove subsidy groups, and disable subsidies for a location. The steps in each subsection below will go further in-depth.
Enable/Create Subsidy Groups at Location Level
Operators can enable and configure subsidies at the location level, and then assign the subsidy group at the consumer level. Consumers must have a subsidy group assigned for this functionality to work on their accounts.
- Log into ADM.
- Go to the Location Summary and click the long blue button that says Click here for location information and settings ( + ) at the top of the page to expand the Info section.
- Locate the GMA Subsidy field and verify that it is set to On.
NOTE: Once this is turned on, the functionality cannot be turned back off for at least 10 minutes. Otherwise, the system will queue up the changes as duplicates. - Once the GMA Subsidy option is turned on, you will see options to set up the Top Off Subsidy and Rollover Subsidy. The fields are described below.
NOTE: If you would like to set up more than one group for each subsidy type, simply click the plus sign to the right of the Amount field. While the functionality does allow a multitude of subsidy groups to be created, it is recommended to keep as few groups as possible to avoid possible confusion when setting the configurations for consumers.- Default: This is not a required field. When this is checked, the system will apply that Subsidy group to all consumers at that location. This would impact EXISTING consumer accounts along with any consumer accounts that will be created in the future at the location. For example, if a consumer account is already associated with a location and the default subsidy group is created after, the existing consumer will be associated with the default group. Only one group can be set as the "default". For example, if there is a Top Off and Rollover group setup, only ONE default can be selected between the groups.
- Start Date: This field allows the Operator to determine which day of the week the subsidy will start being applied. Note that this means a subsidy can be applied any day of the week and be scheduled to start in the future.
- Recurrence: This is the frequency in which a subsidy is given to a particular group. You can choose Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
- Group Name: This is a free-text field that allows you to give the group a name that you can easily identify it by. This field has a limit of 100 characters.
Amount: This is the field where the numerical value of the subsidy can be entered.
- If a default group is NOT set for the location OR if you need to adjust the subsidy group for a specific consumer/group of consumers, continue to Assign/Adjust Subsidy Group at Consumer Level.
Assign/Change Subsidy Group at Consumer Level
If a subsidy group is selected as the default at the location level (as described above), this would impact EXISTING consumer accounts along with any consumer accounts that will be created in the future at the location - meaning the default group would be set for all users at the location. Operators can assign/change a subsidy group at the consumer level as needed.
For example, if an operator changes a consumer's subsidy group from a Rollover group to a Top Off group, the consumer will keep their current balance. The same is true if an operator changes a consumer's subsidy group from one Rollover group to another Rollover group or one Top Off group to another Top Off group.
Update Consumer Subsidy Group One User at a Time
For example, if an operator changes a consumer's subsidy group from a Rollover group to a Top Off group, the consumer will keep their current balance. The same is true if an operator changes a consumer's subsidy group from one Rollover group to another Rollover group or one Top Off group to another Top Off group.
- Click the Admin tab at the top of ADM, then select Consumer from the drop-down.
- The Consumer Search will display. You can filter the search by name, email, scancode, or Market ID and filter by location. If you'd like to see all consumers for the entire organization or a specific location, leave the Search field blank and simply click Go.
- Click on either the First Name or Last Name for the desired user. The Consumer Summary for that specific consumer will load.
- Locate the Subsidy Group field and select the desired subsidy group for the consumer.
- Be sure to save any changes.
Update Consumer Subsidy Group in Bulk
ADM allows operators to update the consumer subsidy group in bulk for consumers under the same home location. If consumers from multiple different home locations are selected in ADM, the bulk feature will not work. The reasoning for this is that each location can have different subsidy groups. When updating in bulk, be sure to filter by location.
For example, if an operator changes a consumer's subsidy group from a Rollover group to a Top Off group, the consumer will keep their current balance. The same is true if an operator changes a consumer's subsidy group from one Rollover group to another Rollover group or one Top Off group to another Top Off group.
- Click the Admin tab at the top of ADM, then select Consumer from the drop-down.
- The Consumer Search will display. You can filter the search by name, email, scancode, Market ID, and location. If you'd like to see all consumers for a specific location, leave the Search field blank, filter by location, and simply click Go.
- Click on all desired consumers from the Consumer Search (do not click on the blue text otherwise the specific consumer's page will load). When the consumers are selected, they will be highlighted in blue.
- Click the Actions button, then select Bulk Assign Subsidy Group.
- Select the Subsidy Group and click Save.
Remove/Disable Subsidy at Location and Consumer Level
An operator has the ability to remove a Subsidy Group at consumer level, delete a Subsidy Group at the Location Level, or disable functionality overall for a Location. If disabled, it can be re-enabled by the operator as needed.
Remove Subsidy Group at Consumer Level
- Click the Admin tab at the top of ADM, then select Consumer from the drop-down.
- The Consumer Search will display. You can filter the search by name, email, scancode, or Market ID and filter by location. If you'd like to see all consumers for the entire organization or a specific location, leave the Search field blank and simply click Go.
- Click on either the First Name or Last Name for the desired user. The Consumer Summary for that specific consumer will load.
- Locate the Subsidy Group field and select the -Select Subsidy Group- option. This removes any subsidy group from the consumer's account.
- Click Save.
Delete a Subsidy Group at the Location Level
- Log into ADM.
- Go to the Location Summary and click the long blue button that says Click here for location information and settings ( + ) at the top of the page to expand the Info section.
- Scroll down to the subsidy settings. Click the minus sign to the right of the subsidy group you would like to remove.
- Click Save.
Disable Functionality Overall for Location
- Log into ADM.
- Go to the Location Summary and click the long blue button that says Click here for location information and settings ( + ) at the top of the page to expand the Info section.
- Locate the GMA Subsidy field and switch it to Off.
NOTE: The functionality cannot be turned back off for at least 10 minutes after turning it on. Otherwise, the system will queue up the changes as duplicates.
- Click Save.
Adjust Balance per Balance Type
The balance types can be adjusted independently of each other, meaning the operator can add funds to a consumer account for either Account Balance or Subsidy Balance as needed. Please note, operators can only add funds. 365 can remove funds as requested by the operator.
- Click the Admin tab at the top of ADM, then select Consumer from the drop-down.
- The Consumer Search will display. You can filter the search by name, email, scancode, or Market ID and filter by location. If you'd like to see all consumers for the entire organization or a specific location, leave the Search field blank and simply click Go.
- Click on either the First Name or Last Name for the desired user. The Consumer Summary for that specific consumer will load.
- Their account will load. You will see their Account Balance along with the Subsidy type being used. Click Adjust for whichever balance type you would like to adjust.
- Adjust the balance and click Save. You will receive a success message once the balance has been saved.