This article will detail the step-by-step process an operator will need to follow to fill out the inventory unit stage form to place an order, as well as how to view the status of orders online. The two bullet points below briefly summarize all of the parties that will be involved with an order.
Order flow if ordering a kiosk (V5 MicroMarket) at new or existing location OR if ordering a PicoCooler or PicoMarket for NEW location:
Operator > Distributor > 365 Sales > 365 Fulfillment > Credit Processor > Implementation > Order is ready to ship!
Order flow if ordering a PicoCooler or PicoMarket for an existing location:
Operator > Distributor > 365 Sales > 365 Fulfillment > Credit Processor > Order is ready to ship!
Placing an Order
- Navigate to the Inventory Unit Stage form and select the desired country.
- The Standard Lead Time for all orders is 10 business days from the receipt of all deliverables. If an order is needed prior to 10 business days, select Yes for Rush Order Needed under Operator Information. If not, click No.
Information regarding the time-frame of a rush request completion and associated fees is detailed on the form directly. The fees will be charged to the Operator directly from 365.- Completion of request within 7-9 business days after receiving all deliverables: $200 USD
- Completion of request within 3-6 business days after receiving all deliverables: $300 USD
- Completion of request within 1-2 business days after receiving all deliverables: $500 USD
- Completion of request within 7-9 business days after receiving all deliverables: $200 USD
- Enter your purchase order number in the PO# field. The PO number comes from the Operator's Finance team. The Distributors use the PO to generate their invoice. Please attach the PO form at the top of this form in the Attachments section as well.
To add an attachment to the form in the Attachments section at the top of the page, either click the Browse button and upload your image or drag and drop the file anywhere on the form. If it uploaded successfully, it will show in the Attachment section.
- Select the product(s) you would like to order.
NOTEIf you are ordering multiple devices for a single location at one time, please keep them on one order form. You will be able to select the quantity needed of each device selected as defined in step 5. If you are ordering devices for multiple locations, please use one form per location.
- For each product selected, a quantity field will populate below. Select how many devices you'd like to order.
If PicoCooler and/or PicoMarket are selected, you will be prompted with two additional questions asking if this is your first time ordering with 365 or if it is your first time ordering a Pico device. These are required fields.
- In the Linking Instructions section, you will need to select one of the following:
Stand Alone: This option would be for purchasing ONE new device for ONE new location. This would not be used for any locations with multiple devices. This would NOT share inventory or consumer account data with any other devices.
Same Store (SS): This option would be used for device(s) that you would like to be under the same location. This option allows devices within the same location to share inventory and consumer account data. This would NOT share consumer accounts with other locations.
Connected Campus: This option would be used if you would like the device(s) to share consumer account data with other locations.
Same Store & Connected Campus: This option would be used if the device(s) are going to be under the same location and you would like them to share consumer account data with other locations as well.
- If you are submitting multiple forms for multiple locations to be setup and want them linked once they are in the system, use the Other Notes section at the bottom of the form to specify.
Example: Connected Campus with Amazon 1, Amazon 2 and Amazon 3.
Stand Alone: This option would be for purchasing ONE new device for ONE new location. This would not be used for any locations with multiple devices. This would NOT share inventory or consumer account data with any other devices.
- If Stand Alone is selected, no additional information is needed for this portion. Continue on to the Location Information section of the form.
If Same Store (SS), Connected Campus, or Same Store & Connected Campus are selected, a new required field will populate asking if the new device(s) will be linked to an existing location.
If Yes is selected, two more required fields will populate asking for the device serial number (VSH) and the location name you would like to link to. If there are multiple devices under the location, the new device(s) will link to all of them even if only one device serial number (VSH) is listed in the VSH # of existing location field.
If No is selected, no additional information is needed for this portion. Continue on to the Location Information section of the form.
- Fill out the Location Information. This should be the information for where the device(s) is going as well as the proposed opening date.
- Fill in the Operator Information. This should be the information for the operator that will be managing this market.
If you setup auto-fill on your browser, it will save for every time you go into the form.
- The Deliverables are pre-set based on the country chosen when starting the form. The only field you would need to edit, if desired, is the Secondary Language field.
If you would like to load a custom background image for the device(s), scroll to Attachment section at the top of the form. Either click the Browse button and upload your image or drag and drop the image into the Attachment area to upload it to the form.
Once the background image has successfully uploaded to the form, you will see a thumbnail of the image.
- Under the Product Database section, you will see two options to choose from:
New File: If setting up a new location with a unique product list, download the blank product template from the form. Fill it out and attach it to the form in the Attachments section at the top of the screen. In the Attachments section, either click the Browse button and upload your image or drag and drop the image into the Attachment area to upload it to the form. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the spreadsheet anywhere on the form and you should see it listed in the Attachments section.
Clone Existing Location: If setting up new devices for a new location or new devices for an existing location, you can choose to clone an existing product database. If you choose this option, two additional required fields will populate. Fill in the existing serial number and location name of the device you'd like to copy the product database from.
New File: If setting up a new location with a unique product list, download the blank product template from the form. Fill it out and attach it to the form in the Attachments section at the top of the screen. In the Attachments section, either click the Browse button and upload your image or drag and drop the image into the Attachment area to upload it to the form. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the spreadsheet anywhere on the form and you should see it listed in the Attachments section.
- You will then see a message stating End Of Operator Section. No further information should be entered on the form. Do NOT fill in the Distributor Information.
Remember, you can use the Other Notes section at the bottom of the form if you are submitting multiple forms for multiple locations to be set up and want them linked once they are in the system.
Example: Connected Campus with Amazon 1, Amazon 2, and Amazon 3.
- Click the Send button at the bottom of the page to submit the form.
- Once you click Send, the Distributor will receive an automatic email letting them know a new order has been placed. From there, the Distributor can complete the form and submit it.
Once the Distributor submits the form, a ticket will generate to 365 Sales. The Operator will receive an email notification with the ticket status each step of the way. The order flow is as follows:-
Order flow if ordering a kiosk (V5 MicroMarket) at new or existing location OR if ordering a PicoCooler or PicoMarket for NEW location:
Operator > Distributor > 365 Sales > 365 Fulfillment > Credit Processor > Implementation > Order is ready to ship!
Order flow if ordering a PicoCooler or PicoMarket for an existing location:
Operator > Distributor > 365 Sales > 365 Fulfillment > Credit Processor > Order is ready to ship!
Order flow if ordering a kiosk (V5 MicroMarket) at new or existing location OR if ordering a PicoCooler or PicoMarket for NEW location:
View Order Status
The site used to complete the form also allows you to check the status of your orders. This can be done in the Requests page.
- If you are already in the site, click the Requests button in the upper right corner of the site, then select Created by Me. If you are not in the site, simply click HERE to view the Requests page (it is recommended that you bookmark this page in your browser).
- You will then see all of your requests. The Status column will show which party the order is with.
The order will go through the following statuses:-
Sent to Sales: The Distributor has completed their portion of the form and a ticket has been created for the 365 Sales team.
Sent to Fulfillment: The 365 Sales team has completed their process and pushed the ticket to Fulfillment.
Gathering Deliverables - Contacting Credit Card Processor: Fulfillment reaches out to the credit processor (Castles, Nayax, Worldline, etc.) to have them set up credit card information. At this point, the ticket is waiting on the credit processor's portion.
- Sent to Implementation: This status would only apply if purchasing a kiosk (V5 MicroMarket) for a new or existing location OR for PicoCooler or PicoMarkets for NEW locations. This would NOT apply for PicoCooler or PicoMarkets for EXISTING locations.
Depending on the scenario, Fulfillment or Implementation will be the last team to handle the order ticket. From this point, the order is ready to be shipped and the ticket is complete. On 365's end, a new 365 Support ticket will generate with all of the information from the email notifications the Operator has received thus far. This is to ensure that Support can assist with the installation if needed.
Sent to Sales: The Distributor has completed their portion of the form and a ticket has been created for the 365 Sales team.