
V5 Platform - Language Settings


This article will cover language settings for the V5 MicroMarketPicoMarketPicoCoolerNanoMarket, and ReadyTouch devices. The current languages available on the V5 platform are:

  365Pay Nano PicoCooler V5 Valet
Danish X     X  
Dutch X X X X  
English X X X X X
Finnish X     X  
French X X X X  
German X X X X  
Italian X X X X  
X X X X  
Spanish X X X X X
Swedish X     X  


Settings by Device

V5 MicroMarket

As of the 801 software release, V5 MicroMarkets have multiple language options. A location's default language is configured during the initial setup; however, no additional settings need to be applied in order for multiple languages to be available. The default language can be adjusted by 365 Support at any time if needed.

  1. The consumer selects the LANGUAGE button in the upper right of the point of sale screen.
  2. A list of languages will display for the consumer to choose from. The consumer MUST tap CONTINUE after choosing the desired language.


    If the consumer does NOT tap CONTINUE, the change of language will not occur. 

  3. After the completion of the transaction, the point of sale text will revert to the default language as set in ADM. 


PicoCooler / PicoMarket / NanoMarket / ReadyTouch

The PicoCooler, PicoMarket, NanoMarket, and ReadyTouch devices allow for two languages to be available for the consumer to choose between. A location's default language is configured during the initial setup but can be adjusted by 365 Support at any time if needed. 365 Support can also configure an alternate language in ADM as necessary. The two language options would show in the upper right of the point of sale screen. 
