
Operator - Pick Order Settings & Production Days - CK


The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to change the productions days for pick orders. This is helpful when it comes to holidays or any other needed schedule changes.

If you are using an integrated VDI such as Vendsys, Cantaloupe or Vendmax, these changes are not needed.


Email Order Settings and Production Days

Production days are the days that pick orders are allowed to generate. Depending on the order lead time (default is one day), the pick orders will generate on the closest available production day to the service day. For example, a location with its service day set for Monday with a one-day order lead time. An order would be generated on Sunday with these settings. If Sunday is not a production day, but Saturday is, then the order would generate on Saturday.

Start this process by going to Business Track (BT). If any of these options are missing for you, contact CK Support at 877-280-7373 opt 3, and we will assist in any production day changes.

  1. Go to and login using your BT username and password.

  2. Click on the Operations business on the Main Page to enter.

  3. When the business is loaded, click on Route Collections. The options available will vary from what is shown in the screenshot below.
  4. Click on the Machine Mgmt tab on the right

  5. Select the District you want to modify from the Settings drop-down menu on the right.
  6. This screen will show the target emails, production days and order generation time.
  7. Select or deselect the boxes next to the days to activate or deactivate production days.

  8. If you  want to change emails, the format must be all lower case and commas with no spaces between the email addresses (e.g.,,,

  9. All order times display in 24 hour format and are Central Standard Time. If you want the emails to generate at 5:00 p.m. choose 17:00.

  10. Click Save when all of the changes have been made.