
AV Live - Reports - Refill Report


The Refill Report is designed to help track machine inventory for refill purposes and keep a record of inventory adjustments.


Machine Inventory

In order for the Refill Reports to function efficiently, each machine's inventory must first be set up accurately so that the quantities in AV Live match the current physical quantities in the machine. A guide to set this up properly can be found in the article AirVend Startup Guide - Step 6: Setup Inventory Tracking.


Refill to Par

The Refill to Par Report is designed to show a break-down of how many of each product is required to fill the machine up to it's max capacity (par.)


refill reports dropdown.PNG

  1. Click on the Reports dropdown

  2. Expand the Refill section

  3. Click on Refill to Par

  4. From the filter, select desired machines and click Preview

The data displayed will be a breakdown per slot of how much product should be brought to the machine to fill it to par.


Refill to par.PNG


Refill by Sales

Follow the steps above and select the Refill by Sales report.

The purpose of this report is to show a breakdown of items sold since the specified date in the filter. This is helpful for operators who do not have an accurate and up-to-date inventory or par levels for their machines.

In addition to being able to set a specified date in the filter, there is also an option to use the last refill date set by the previous inventory update performed in AV Live for the machine.


Refill by sales.PNG


Refill History

Follow the steps above and select the Refill History report.

This report will show a record of all previous refills for the selected machine - whether the refill performed was an 'Update to Par,' 'Update Quantities,' or 'Service Completed.' This can be useful for operators tracking inventory managed by multiple operators or diagnosing inventory issues. From left to right, the data will display the time stamp of the refill, the AV Live user who performed the update (unless triggered from the AirVend itself), and the refill method performed.


Refill History.PNG

Click on the method of refill, and you will see a breakdown of which slots were updated at that time and the quantity that was added or subtracted.


Refill history quantities.PNG