Pick List functionality in ADM offers a very robust tool that can be customized to fit your individual needs.
Pick List Manager
The Pick List Manager allows you to manage single or multiple markets simultaneously. You can:
- Add products to the pick list even if ADM is not calling for them
- Delete products from the pick list if you do not want to stock them
- Update the quantity to bring to the market based on your expertise
- Push products to inventory or LightSpeed in bulk
The scheduling functionality provides custom filters for Plan and Pick days.
- Set the days of the week when a market is planned and picked based on your internal preferences.
- Plan pick lists the same day as they are picked or plan days in advance for more insight.
You can associate drivers and routes to locations for an additional level of management and filtering.
Static Order
The Static Order amount will always call for the same number of units on the pick list. It can be set in the in the Product tab on the Location Summary page. Use the Static Order column in the grid.
- When a value is entered in the Static Order column, the Min/Max values are no longer applicable.
- Every future pick list will call for the exact number of units in the Static Order column.
- You can provide great for fresh food where you always stock the same quantity.
Pick List Actions
They are managed on the Product Summary page. The Pick List actions include:
- At or Below Minimum
- Below Maximum
- 1+ Cases Needed
- Displays the Need By items or cases.
- Offers rounding options to always Round Up, Round Down, or to the Nearest whole case.
- Hide From Pick List