
ADM - Bulk Fund GMA Accounts


This article explains how to add funds to multiple Global Market Accounts (GMAs) at once. 



  1. Log into ADM

  2. Select the Admin option of the main menu

  3. Click on Consumer from the resulting drop-down menu. 

  4. Search for the location(s) that you need.

  5. Click on Go to pull up all the consumers for the location(s) that you have chosen.

  6. You have the option to select all consumers in the list or pick and choose what consumers receive the bulk funding.

  7. Click on Actions.

  8. Choose Bulk Add Funds.

    Bulk Funds Image.png

  9.  A prompt will display where you can type in the amount you would like to add. You will also need to choose a reason.
    For information on these Reasons, see the article ADM - How to Create a Balance Adjustment Reason

    ADM - Bulk Add Funds dialog box
  10. Click Save.