Name |
Description |
Bad scan Report |
This report shows a listing of all items that were scanned and not found in the database. This allows the operator to go back and ensure that all products with a scan code are in the database. |
Bad Credit Card |
This report shows a listing of all credit card transactions that were not processed because it was deemed a “bad” credit card. The transaction was rejected by the processor and not completed. |
Cash Flow |
This report will show the accumulated totals for all transactions for the specified period. Column totals could include Credit Card Sales, CardSmith Sales, Cash Sales, SoGo Cash Card Sales, Guest Pass Sales, Discount Sales, Payroll Deduction Sales, Comp Sales and HealthAhead Sales |
Cash Flow Details |
This report is the Cash Flow report but shows a more detailed breakdown of the sales. It is sorted by location (if more than one location chosen) and includes additional information like voids, sales tax, credit card declines and Net Sales. |
Cash Flow Device |
This report is the Cash Flow report but shows a more detailed breakdown of the sales. It is sorted by device (if more than one device exists) and includes additional information like voids, sales tax, credit card declines and Net Sales. |
Cash Flow Employee |
This report is the Cash Flow report but shows a more detailed breakdown of the sales. It is sorted by location and employee (if more than one location chosen) and includes additional information like voids, sales tax, credit card declines and Net Sales. |
Cash Flow Employee Device |
This report is the Cash Flow report but shows a more detailed breakdown of the sales. It is sorted by location and employee and device (if more than one location chosen) and includes additional information like voids, sales tax, credit card declines and Net Sales. |
Device by Category |
This report shows a breakdown of total sales by the first major category for all items. The user has the ability to sort alphabetically by category name, by total number of transactions for this category or by total dollars sold. |
Product Sales |
This report shows a breakdown of total sales by product. The user has the ability to sort alphabetically by product name, by total number of transactions for this product or by total dollars sold. |
Modifiers Report |
This report shows a breakdown of modifiers sold. |
Product Sales |
This report displays sales for the time/date range grouped by Quantity sold and amount. |
Product Pricing |
This report shows a breakdown of each product and the price that is charged at each selected location. The user has the ability to sort by each column of the report. |
Product Tax |
This is a report that shows a breakdown of each product and the tax that is charged at each selected location. The user has the ability to sort by each column of the report. |
Sales Item Details |
This is a report showing you every transaction by item that was sold for the selected timeframe. The report will show you the item information, transaction information, device information and employee information. |
Sales Summary and Cost |
This is a report that shows an accumulated total of all sales and costs. |
Sales Time Details |
This is a report that shows an accumulated total of all sales and costs broken down into major time day parts. For example Midnight to 6:00 am and then 6:00 am to 10:30 am, etc. |
Sales Time Details by Device |
This is a report that shows an accumulated total of all sales and costs broken down into major time day parts by device. For example Midnight to 6:00 am and then 6:00 am to 10:30 am, etc. for Kiosk201. |
This is a report of Sodexo’s Unit Financial System (UFS) report that can be utilized to enter data into UFS. |
UFS by Device |
This is a report of Sodexo’s Unit Financial System (UFS) report sorted by device that can be utilized to enter data into UFS. |
UFS by Employee Device |
This is a report of Sodexo’s Unit Financial System (UFS) report sorted by employee and device that can be utilized to enter data into UFS. |
HealthAhead |
This is a report that shows the HealthAhead points earned and redeemed by location and device. HealthAhead is a wellness program used to incent customers to eat healthier food and drink items by giving them rewards for choosing healthy options. |
HealthAhead Percentages |
This is a report that shows how many items were purchased in comparison between those identified as healthy items versus those identified as other items. |
Guest Pass |
This is a report showing how many sales were purchased utilizing guest passes. The report will show you key information about the guest pass including who to charge, how many guest passes were redeemed, how much was redeemed, the expiration date of the guest pass and whether or not it is a reusable guest pass. |
Guest Pass by Device |
This is a report showing how many sales were purchased utilizing guest passes by device. The report will show you key information about the guest pass including who to charge, how many guest passes were redeemed, how much was redeemed, the expiration date of the guest pass and whether or not it is a reusable guest pass. |
Employee Comp Details |
This is a report showing all employees’ comp meals. Information includes employee name, amount of transaction and transaction information. |
Order Only |
This is a report showing all orders by kiosk. Information includes the transaction date, ID, product, and amount. |
Personal Charge |
This is a report showing all personal charges. Information includes employee name, amount of transaction and transaction information. |
Sales by 15 Minutes |
This is a report showing all sales in 15 minute increments. This report shows the gross sales and number of transactions. |
Sales by 30 Minutes |
This is a report showing all sales in 30 minute increments. This report shows the gross sales and number of transactions. |
Unpaid Order |
This is a report showing only the orders that were not paid. |
Unsold Products |
This is a report to show any products that do not have any sales. This is used to remove products from shelves or offer and then replace with products that will sell. |