This article outlines all of the networking requirements that are needed to accommodate a PicoCooler, PicoMarket, or NanoMarket kiosk. Please note that there are no network requirements for PicoCooler Breeze as the PicoCooler Breeze has to use a cellular connection. A PicoCooler may use either a wireless or cellular connection.
Please contact 365 Support at 888-365-6282 or support@365smartshop.com if you have any questions related to this document.
To view more network requirements for our various products, see the Master Article - US & Canada Network Requirements.
Network Requirements
All the following Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) listed below are required for the PicoCooler and NanoMarket kiosk to function correctly. All connections are initiated from the PicoCooler or NanoMarket kiosk. The FQDN and ports below need to be open for outgoing bidirectional communication.
Description | FQDN | Ports |
Images, style JSON | https://static.readytouchpos.com | TCP: 443 |
Android/Google Services |
commondatastorage.googleapis.com google.com |
TCP: 443, 80 |
Android/Google Services | gcm.googleapis.com | TCP/UDP: 5228-5230 |
Auth0 Login Security | https://prod-365.us.auth0.com/ | TCP: 443 |
Pushy Service | mqtt.pushy.me | TCP: 1883 |
Pushy Service | api.pushy.me:443 | TCP: 443 |
Tally/Security | tally.prod.readytouchpos.com:443 | TCP: 443 |
Logging, Artifact Storage, Update Delivery |
api.mobile.azure.com https://nanomarketblobs.blob.core.windows.net/ |
TCP: 443 |
INTERNATIONAL LOCATIONS ONLY: International credit card processing | prodamq.vct.vibbek.com | TCP: 61613 |
Sensor Swarm Temperature Sensors (NanoMarket only)
Sensor Swarm temperature sensors are for NanoMarkets only. They are used to remotely monitor the temperatures in coolers & freezers within the market.
FQDN | Port |
swarmdata.sensor-swarm.com | TCP/UDP: 80, 443 |
host.sensor-swarm.com | TCP/UDP: 80, 443 | | TCP/UDP: 80, 443 |
time.nist.gov | TCP/UDP: 123 |
<Access Point Gateway IP> | TCP/UDP: 53 |
Meraki Router Requirements
Should the Pico/NanoMarket device utilize a Meraki Router, Meraki Cloud and Registry addresses will have to be whitelisted, as well as any above sections/requirements.
Service | FQDN/IP | Ports |
Meraki Cloud Communication |
UDP: 7351 |
Meraki VPN Registry |
UDP: 9350 |
IPsec VPN |
UDP: 32768 through 61000 |
Continuous Router Uplink Status Checks |
Cisco Umbrella DNS for Meraki Router DHCP assignments |
Wireless Network
If you are creating your own wireless network or connecting to a client’s network, you must follow the latest PCI DSS guidelines for wireless network security. Consult your QSA or https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/ for more information.
Our PicoCooler/Market or NanoMarket kiosks require a passphrase-secured, non-Guest WiFi SSID. In addition to this, they cannot operate on a WiFi network with a captive portal or login page.
NOTE: If you are not comfortable creating a WiFi network with PCI DSS or cannot validate that the client’s WiFi network follows PCI DSS, 365 Retail Markets offers several solutions to assist with network connectivity. Contact your account manager for more information.
Wired Network
If you are creating your own wired network or connecting to a client’s network, you still must follow the latest PCI DSS guidelines for network security. Consult your QSA or https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/ for more information.
NOTE: If you are not comfortable creating a network with PCI DSS, or cannot validate that the client’s network follows PCI DSS, 365 Retail Markets offers several solutions to assist with network connectivity for your PicoMarket or NanoMarket. Contact your account manager for more information.
Cellular Network
If you plan to utilize SIM cards to access the internet via a cellular network, the above Network Requirements do NOT need to be whitelisted.
365 currently offers SIM cards with AT&T or Verizon as carriers.