
AirVend - Using the Save Refill Data function

Your Approach to Restocking Machines

IMPORTANT: You should only use this if the following describes your approach to restocking machines:

  • You want a way for your route driver to have a simple, one-click inventory update after stocking the machine.
  • You do pre-kitting at your warehouse and want your driver to always stock based on that kit, nothing more. In other words, if sales have occurred between the time you run your Refill report and the time the driver arrives, you still only want the machine filled based on the pre-kitting/refill data, and not actually up to par.


Check the Save Refill Data option 

Save Refill Data.PNG


Using the Save Refill Data option

Anywhere you choose Update to Par or Service Complete, it will update based on the last refill report you ran rather than up to par.

With the Save Refill Data option enabled, you can click the Update to Par button in AV Live, on the Edit Inventory Screen, or Service Complete on the AV device's Admin screen. However, instead of updating to par, it will actually update the inventory based on the last refill report you ran on that machine. If no refill report has been run on that machine since the last refill, it will update to par.


For a short screencast video explanation, click this link: