Coupons can be created for any amount. You can create a coupon Menu button or create a barcoded paper coupon. Examples would be – buy one get one free, or specials for the day, etc.
If you use:
- Google Chrome, go to: Google Support
- Firefox, go to: Mozilla Support
Note: If you experience an issue with saving your product, you may need to clear the cache on your browser.
Creating a Coupon
- Create a Category called Coupon.
a. Click Admin in the ADM Menu Bar.
b. Choose Category from the drop-down menu. The Category List screen displays.
c. Choose Create New. The Category Create screen displays.
d. Enter the name – COUPON.
e. Choose the type – CATEGORY.
f. Leave the Seqnbr field blank.
g. Click Save. The Category List screen displays again.
2. Create a Product called "Coupon" for the Coupon(s):
a. Click Product in the ADM Menu Bar.
b. Choose Global Product from the drop-down menu.
c. Click the Create New button on the right side of the screen. The Product Create screen will display.
d. Complete the following fields:
i Name
ii Short Name
iii Description
iv Category1
v Scancode(s)
vi Price
Note: Make sure you do not select a Tax Category.
e. Click the Save and Extend button at the bottom of the screen. The Extend Product to Selected Location(s): popup will display.
f. Select the desired location(s). Note: You can also choose Select None to the right of the list.
g. Click Save and Next. The Product Create screen will display again.
When the product has been created, you can add it to your Menu as a button OR create a barcode. See ReadyTouch Cashier Service - How to Create Menus and Add Buttons for more details on adding a button to an existing Menu or creating a new Menu button.
Creating a Barcode
- Go to the Product Summary screen.
- Enter the barcode in the Scancode field (shown above).
- Use either your own barcoding software OR to create the physical barcode for the coupon.
- Scroll down and click Save.
Using the Coupon
- Put your product(s) in the cart.
- Scan the barcoded physical coupon,
Choose the product called Coupon and add it to your cart. The subtotal will be reduced by the coupon amount.