
ADM - How to Create Reason Codes


Reason codes are categories used to classify positive and negative inventory adjustments in a market. When adding or removing a product from inventory using Mobile Inventory, you will be prompted to choose from a list of available reason codes. You can easily create and manage your reason codes in ADM.


Creating a Reason Code

ADM - Reason Code Creation Screen

Follow these steps to create a new reason code:

  1. Sign in to ADM.

  2. Click the Admin tab at the top of the page, then select Reason Codes from the drop-down list.

  3. Select Create New in the top right corner.

  4. Enter the display name in the Name field.
    (Common Examples of Reason Code Names: damaged, spoiled, wasted, stale, inventory adjustment, accidental, stolen, overage, pull, restock, or shortage.)

  5. Select an action from the Action drop-down menu. 
    (Adding or Removing a product)

  6. Click Save.