
ADM - Payout & Close


This article explains how to pay out a GMA account, then close it. This can be done with ADM



Customer Request

A consumer can begin the process of closing their account by contacting their operator directly or by using the 365Pay app to request that their account be closed.


ADM Settings

Once a Customer Request has occurred: 

  1. Login to ADM

  2. Select the Admin tab.

  3. Select Consumer from the drop-down menu. The Consumer Search screen displays.

  4. Enter the last name of the consumer in the Search field.

  5. Click the Go button. A table with the consumer's record displays below the Go button.

  6. Select the link in the ID column of the consumer's record. The Consumer Summary screen displays.

  7. Click the Payout & Close button near the bottom of the screen. A pop-up window will display asking, "Are you sure?".

  8. Click OK to close the window.


Customer Request

After an account closing, the operator is responsible for distributing the value of the closed account to the consumer. When an account is closed, 365 will track this adjustment on the GMA Disbursement Report and will reimburse the operator for funds that were transferred to the consumer. This process provides the easiest and most direct flow of funds from 365 to the consumer.



When an account is Paid Out and Closed, what elements are affected?

The following elements are affected:

  • Account Balance is set to $0.00
    It is the operator’s responsibility to return the funds to the owners of the accounts that have been closed. They can use cash, paper check or gift card. This means that the operator will be negative briefly, then 365 will credit the operator in the next disbursement for the subtotal of all accounts paid out and closed since the last disbursement.

  • GMA Loyalty Points are set to 0.
    Loyalty points are not given a monetary value. Even if the consumer's loyalty points exceed any particular threshold, they are not worth cash. However, those loyalty points are still tracked by 365 in case we need to audit them.

  • Email Addresses are removed from the database.
    This frees up the email address to be used again by a new account.

  • Fingerprints are removed from the database.
    This frees up the fingerprints to be associated with another account.

  • ScanCode IDs are removed from the database.
    This frees up the scancodes to be used again by another account.


Can an account be recovered after a Payout & Close function?

No. This is a permanent change. Accounts are NOT recoverable.


Can the Transaction History of an account be viewed after a Payout & Close function?

Transaction history can only be viewed indirectly after the account has been closed. No transactions are deleted, and they will still appear in any report that would normally show that transaction. However, you won’t be able to search for that transaction using the email or scancode identifiers.