
AirVend Startup Guide - Step 4: Machine View & Creating a Machine

Introducing the "My Machines" Dashboard

The default view for AV Live is the My Machines Dashboard. It gives you instant access to the most important statuses and functionality.



Understanding the Dashboard

  1. The status of your AirVend device is indicated with a green, yellow, red, blue or gray bubble.
    Green = Good Signal,   Yellow = Weak,  Red = Offline,  Blue = WiFi,  Gray = No AirVend device.
    You can hover your mouse over the bubble to see the data/time of the last ping. AirVend pings the AV Cloud every 30 to 60 minutes to send updated info and status.
    The signal icon indicates the:

    • AirVend's network connection status (left icon)
    • Vending machine communication status (right icon).

    The icon on the right (arrows pointing in a circle) indicates the AirVend and vending machine communication status. If either Icon is red you should begin to investigate. Read more here.

  2. Click the machine name to edit machine information and settings.

  3. The planogram for your specific machine is accessed through these rectangles. The green rectangle is your active (live) planogram. If you save a planogram as pending (so it's not live on the AirVend screen), you will see a yellow rectangle indicating that you can edit the pending planogram.

  4. The Last Refill column shows the refill dates for the last time you updated your inventory.

  5. The #Sold: column will update with the number of items sold since your last refill date. Note: The list of machines on this dashboard are automatically listed from most vends to least vends.

    The Sales: column shows the total dollar value of the number of items in the # Sold column.

  6. You can do a one-click inventory update if you have completely refilled your machine, by clicking on Update in the Par column. You can see inventory detail and update it in two ways by clicking on Edit in the Inventory column.

  7. The Device ID column will show you the unique device id for each machine. You can also see this same id from your AirVend touchscreen by selecting “CONTACT US” and clicking on the wrench icon.

  8. The Version column shows the software version of the current device. If the text is green, then your version is up to date. If the text is red, there is a newer version available for your device. 

Machines Edited.png


Add Your First Machine

Click the Create Machine button from the My Machines Dashboard view.

Create machine btn.png


Create Machine, Planogram Template, and Model

  1. Add your own machine name if you want to.

  2. Select your Machine Make and Model and planogram template. You may need to manually create a planogram. To create your planogram go to the next step.

    IMPORTANT: Be sure you know which planogram template and machine model to use. This is critical to AV Live's ability to match up your sales with actual products sold, which is vital for your sales inventory reporting. If you are not sure, contact for help with the planogram template and machine model.

  3. If your device has a touch screen, select AirVend. If your device looks like the following picture, select 365Pay.
    365 Pay Device

  4. If you are setting up your business in a hierarchy, you can assign the machine location from the drop-down menu.

  5. Make sure you select the time zone as this will impact inventory and reporting.
    Note: You will need to complete the Address section to create the machine.
    Create Machine.PNG


Settings tab

The most important fields to complete in the Settings tab are the Authorization Amount field and the Vends allowed per transaction field.

  1. Authorization Amount is the amount of credit that is placed on the machine when a consumer is swiping their card. Authorization amount of $5 is a very typical amount for the average snack or soda machine.
    Note: Be careful not to set this amount too low as customers may need to swipe their card again to get a second or third product, but do not set it too high either.
    This amount is immediately authorized on the consumer's card to verify that they have enough credit to complete the potential purchase. If they swipe their card but do not end up completing a purchase, that authorization amount could show up on their account as pending for 24 to 48 hours (this is only typical on debit cards). 

  2. Vends allowed per transaction is the amount of individual products consumers can purchase with one single credit card transaction.

  3. Click the Save button at the bottom when you are done.
    Machine settings.PNG