
Barcode Scanner: Sleep Mode & Light Conditions


The barcode scanner relies on ambient lighting in a location to detect and transcribe UPC and QR codes. If the scanner frequently enters sleep mode, the environmental light conditions can be changed to ensure the scanner stays illuminated, and keeps the kiosk up and making purchases.


Motorola/Symbol Barcode Scanner

Gen1, Gen2, Gen3, and V5 MicroMarkets


  • Flashlight

  • Phillips Head Screwdriver

ISSUE: Scanner is in Sleep Mode

The barcode scanner has two internal lights and a camera to detect UPC and QR codes. Low light conditions will prompt the kiosk scanner to go into sleep mode, which will shut down the scanner and display no red light on the device. The scanner is designed to resume all functionality when adequate lighting is detected, and it can be generally be woken back up by shining a light into the scanner. If the barcode scanner is frequently going to sleep mode, the environmental conditions may be causing the scanner to enter sleep mode.


Solution for Poor Environmental Light 

Poor environmental light can have many different causes. Break room lights may be on a motion sensor to conserve energy, employees may turn off the break room lights, or the kiosk may be positioned away from adequate ambient lighting.

If a barcode scanner frequently enters sleep mode due to poor environmental lighting, we recommend exploring options to bring more light to the area surrounding the kiosk. This may include installing extra lighting to the area. Even a simple night light properly placed can keep the scanner up and running after the lights go off. 


Going Further

If the light conditions at a location are adequate and the scanner is still frequently entering sleep mode, the scanner may need to be reprogrammed or the power-saving settings adjusted on the kiosk. Contact 365 Support at (888) 365-6282 for further assistance.