
SmartHQ Market Inventory & Reason Codes


Reason codes are categories used to classify positive and negative inventory adjustments in a market. When an item is added or removed from inventory, the employee making the adjustment will be prompted to choose from a list of available reason codes. The list of reason codes is configurable from the SmartHQ Manage Reason Codes page.



Creating a Reason Code

If you are missing the reason code you want when removing or adding a product, it can be easily added using SmartHQ. Common examples of Reason Codes include damaged, spoiled, wasted, stale, inventory adjustment, accidental, stolen, overage, pull, restock, or shortage.

To create a new reason code, complete the following steps:

1. Sign into SmartHQ and go to Manage Reason Codes. 

2. Enter a category name in the Reason Code Name field. 

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3. Choose a Direction option. This controls whether the Reason Code will appear when an item is added or removed.

4. Click Add when done.



Using Reason Codes

After a Reason Code has been added to SmartHQ under Manage Reason Codes, it will become an available option in the Add/Remove Product section of Smart Inventory. Each time an employee performing inventory selects a Reason Code, it will be recorded on the SmartHQ Entry Summary and Delete Summary.

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