This report shows a breakdown of Payroll Deduct data for consumers who have used the feature during the specified cycle timeframe. It also has a download option, which downloads all the details related to transactions and consumers to an Excel file.
Selection/Filter Criteria
- Report Name (required) - name of the report
- Date Range (required) - Dates may be selected based on the following:
- Custom Range
- Yesterday
- Today
- Last 7 days
- Last 30 days
- Last 60 days
- Last Week (SU-SA)
- Last Week (SA-FR)
- This Week
- This month
- Last Month
- Current and Previous Month
- Time Range (optional) - Has a hh:mm format (24 hours)
- Location List (required) - Single selection of location is allowed
- Active Only (optional) Toggle for active locations
Report Details
- Date Range by Pay cycle group - List of all Payroll deduct summary on Date Range by Pay cycle group
- Download File - Click to download an Excel file, which has all the details related to Payroll Deduct for a particular date range
- Transaction ID - Transaction ID
- Date - Date of the transaction
- First Name - First name of the consumer whose account was funded
- Last Name - Last name of the consumer whose account was funded
- Payroll Deduct ID - Payroll Deduct ID
- Amount funded by Payroll - Amount funded by Payroll