The purpose of this report is to show all product sales with or without modifiers for the 12 weeks (not including current week). This report shows a breakdown of total sales by product with modifiers’ combinations or without modifiers depending on the user's selection. The user can sort alphabetically by product name, by total number of transactions for this product, or by total dollars sold.
Selection/Filter Criteria
- Report Name (required) - the name of the report
- Location list (required) - Multiple selection of location is allowed
- Active Only checkbox - toggle this for active locations, or all locations
- Show Modifiers (checkbox) - toggle this to show modifiers. Modifiers are not shown by default.
Report Details
- Product - Name of the Product
- Modifiers - Modifiers of the product sold separated by commas
- Quantity Sold - Total quantity sold
- Total Sales - Total purchase amount
Note: the Qty Sold and Total Sales columns are merged under a parent date column, which is repeated for all 12 weeks. Please see the screen shots below for an example.
With Modifiers
Without Modifiers