
ADM - Adding a Market Card to a Consumer Account


A Market Card can be created in ADM for a consumer account so that the consumer can pull up their account at the kiosk with which their account is associated.



  1. While logged into ADM, click Admin > Consumer.

  2. If you know the consumer's email address, click the Search By dropdown and select Email, then enter it in the field.

  3. Otherwise, select Name from the dropdown, and enter the first and/or last name.

    ADM Market Card Consumer Search Name Field.png
  4. Once found, select your consumer from the list.

  5. On their account, scroll to the section Market Cards and click Add Market Card.

  6. Ensure the Disabled field is set to No. If this dropdown is set to Yes, the Market Card will not pull up the consumer's account.

  7. Enter the Card's scancode in the Scancode field.

  8. Hit Save.

    ADM Market Card Create Card Save.png

  9. Once the popup clears, you will see the Market Card populated in the Market Cards section, with the associated location on the left.

    ADM Market Card Populated.png

  10. You must perform a full sync for the location to allow the kiosk to download the new account information. You may do this at the Location Summary page by pressing the red button labeled Update Prices & Full Sync.

    ADM Market Card Full Sync.png


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Will a Market Card work at any kiosk?
    No. The Market Card will only work at the kiosk(s) at the location that the consumer's account was associated with when the card was created. The name of the associated location is found under Location on the Market Card information in the consumer's account.

  2. Can we make a Market Card work for multiple locations?
    Only if the location the card was associated with is in a connected campus with other locations. Then the Market Card can be used at any location in the connected campus to pull up the consumer's account.