
ADM - Customizing the Kiosk Now Serving Screen


This article outlines the steps for using ADM to customize the settings for the Now Serving screen for a kiosk, such as display rotation, dark or light mode display, font size, and section type. Following the steps is an interactive demonstration of the process in ADM.



  1. While logged into ADM, access your Location list by clicking the Location tab.

  2. Click the name of the location. 

  3. On the Location Summary page, click the KDS tab to proceed to the list of devices that are associated with dining.

  4. With the devices filtered, select one of the device names to view its Now Serving screen settings. 

  5. The following settings can be configured for the Now Serving Screen:

    • Display Rotation: The default option for this setting is None, but the options Left, Right, and Inverted are also available. 

    • Display Mode: The default option for this setting is Dark, but it can also be set to Light. 

    • Font Size: The default option for setting is Small (48px), but the options Medium (60px) and Large (75px) are also available. 

    • Display Section Type: The default option for this setting is Now Serving Only, but the options Now Serving Only, Preparing Only, and Both Preparing and Now Serving are available.

  6. Once you have configured the settings as desired, click Save.


Guided Walkthrough

Find our Now Serving Screen tutorial at ADM - Now Serving Screen Settings, or click the image below to begin the demo.