The purpose of this report is to allow operators to view add adjustments, delete adjustments and sales data.
This report includes very similar data to the Entry Summary and Delete Summary reports. It combines both adds and deletes on the same report and includes sales data. Operators can use this report to quickly track any adjustment to an inventory level and get the full detail about why a product was added to or deleted from a market.
Selection/Filter Criteria
- Report Name (mandatory) - the name of the report
- Location List (mandatory) - Multiple selection of location is allowed.
- Date Range (mandatory) - Dates can be selected based on the following:
1. Today's
2. Yesterday's
3. Last seven days
4. This month
5. Last month
6. Custom Range
- Time Range (optional) - Has hh:mm format (24 hours)
Selection Parameters
Report Details
Location - Name of the location where the transaction occurred.
Product - Name of the product.
Scancode - The UPC of the product.
Userkey - The userkey value of the product.
Category - The Category 1 grouping of the product.
Movement Type - The direction of an event in terms of products. This field has three options:
1. Add – for any adjustment that increases inventory
2. Remove – for any adjustment that decreases inventory
3. Sale – for any purchase transaction
Reason - This displays any associated reason code for the adjustment. These can be the operator defined reason codes or the system generated codes that occur through inventories or pushing pick lists. Sales transactions will show a reason code of "Sale".
Quantity - The quantity of units associated with each adjustment.
Price - The price of the product represented in the adjustment.
Cost - The cost of the product represented in the adjustment.
User - The associated ADM who made the adjustment, pushed inventory, or performed a physical inventory. Any Sale transaction will show "no data" for this column.
- Date/Time - The date and time the transaction occurred.
Inventory Adjustment Report