The EFT GMA Disbursement report helps you get fund transfer details for global market accounts across orgs and across locations in an org.
This report provides details with total sales, fees, taxes and adjustments data. It calculates the final amount to be disbursed for the operator after all deductions and adjustments.
Selection/Filter Criteria
- Report Name (required) - Name of the report
- Date Range (required) - Dates can be selected based on the following:
- Today's
- Yesterday's
- Last seven days
- This month (default)
- Last month
- Custom Range
- Time Range (optional) - Has a hh:mm format (24 hours)
- Location list (required) - Multiple selection of location is allowed.
Selection Fields
Report Details
- Location Name - Name of the location
- Location Number - Location number for the specific location
- Credit Sales - All the sales made by credit card
- Less Credit Fees - Less credit fee get calculated based on credit sales and credit rate.
- GMA Sales - If a payment made through any of the following types, those sales will come under GMA sales: 'GMAMKC', 'GMAQRCODE', 'GMA', 'MKA', or 'ACCOUNT'
- Less GMA Fees - Less GMA fee gets calculated based on GMA sales and GMA rate.
- Less Loyalty Fees - Less Loyalty fee gets calculated based on gmapoints and gmaloyaltyrate.
- Less Cash Funding - This is the sum of the amount based on paymenttype 'cash' and actiontype 'addvalue or funding'.
- Cash Rebate - Cash Rebate gets calculated based on cashfunding and GMA rate.
- Less Payroll Deduct - This is the sum of the amount based on paymenttype 'payroll' and actiontype 'funding'.
- Adjustments - This adjustment done by the operator to adjust the total disbursement amount.
- Monthly Fees - If operator is making any sales, they will get charged. So, this amount will be monthly fees.
- Taxes - Tax amount calculated for the particular transaction
- GMA Rate - This column value can be fetched from location or org based on the customer's choice. This is responsible for calculating the less GMA fees, cash rebate and a few more.
- Credit Rate - This column value can be fetched from location or org based on the customer's choice. This is responsible for calculating the less credit fees and a few more.
GMA Disbursement Report