
Stockwell 2.0 - Shelf Dividers and Premium Pushers


This article explains how to install the Premium pushers, which are an additional add-on for the Stockwell 2.0. This add-on helps keep the device faced at all times. 


Installing Shelf Dividers and Premium Pushers

Premium Pushers are sold separately from Stockwell 2.0 devices. Watch this video to learn more about installing this premium option. 


Installing Shelf Dividers and Pushers

  1. Insert the front rail with the flat side of the black thumb screw facing up.

  2. Secure the front rail in place with the washer hardware: one set of washer hardware should be installed on each end of the front rail.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all remaining shelves.

  4. Install shelf dividers, using the lock tabs to secure them in place. You can alternate between facings that are pushed and ones are divided only. Do not push items that are delicate, round, or have oddly shaped packaging - use components without pushers
    Dividers come in various forms: 

    • 16" left end, without pusher
    • 16" left end, with pusher (Note: paddle extender can be rotated for tall or wide products)
    • 16" Free Track
    • 16" T-track, without pusher
    • 16" T-track, with pusher
    • 16" right end without pusher
    • 16" right end with pusher
    • Adjustable Trays - learn how to install these by reading the Installing Adjustable Trays section below
    • 10" left ends, T-tracks, and right ends are also available, with and without pushers

  5. Stock the shelf. Check for free movement of the products. If the lanes are too tight, unlock and adjust the tracks until the products can move freely. Lock the tabs back into place once everything is in place.

  6. Repeat for other shelves


Installing Adjustable Trays

This organization method is best for drinks and other cylindrical packages. 

  1. Unlock the dial on the bottom of the adjustable tray by pressing down on the lock/unlock tab. This dial controls the width of the adjustable tray. 

  2. Pull the sides of the tray apart to the correct width for the product. Test different widths to ensure that the product can move freely by locking in the dial, inserting the adjustable tray, locking the tabs, then testing the movement of one product. It should move freely. 

  3. When you have found the correct width, lock the dial, insert the adjustable tray, lock the tabs, then stock the tray.